Traffic accident alert in central Vimmerby


  • Traffic accident alert in central Vimmerby

    The police were alerted shortly before 11 o’clock about a traffic accident on Ringvägen/Storgatan in Vimmerby.

    According to the police, three passenger cars were involved.


  • Yellow warning for high water levels on the west coast

    SMHI has issued a yellow warning for high water levels on the west coast during Friday afternoon.

    The high water level means that there is a risk that buildings, roads or quays will be flooded during the day. The warning is also aimed at shipping as the clear height under bridges may decrease and moored boats and ships may be damaged.

  • Increases security at NATO airbases

    NATO is raising the security level at its air base in Geilenkirchen, Germany. Personnel deemed not to be necessary on site are being sent home as a precaution, a spokesman for the airbase said to Der Spiegel.

    The announcement comes after intelligence warned of a possible threat.

  • Six dead in fire – charged electric scooter

    Six people, including four children, have died in a fire in northern Serbia.

    The deceased are believed to belong to the same family.

    The fire, which broke out around 3 o’clock on Friday night, is believed to have been caused by an electric scooter connected to the mains.

  • Train traffic resumes after a stop

    Parts of the train traffic between Stockholm and Gothenburg were at a standstill on Friday morning. Archive image. Photo: Oscar Olsson/TT

    On Friday morning, the trains between Gothenburg and Stockholm stood still for about an hour, after a train stop on the western main line near Gnesta southwest of Stockholm.

    The stop was due to a feared accident, but after an on-site check, traffic could be allowed to open again at nine o’clock.

    – There will be some consequential delays, says Marcus Fleetwood at SJ to GP.

  • Car hangs over the edge of the quay

    A car hangs over the quayside in Trollhättan, reports P4 West. The person in the car got out and the emergency services are working on the scene.

  • UN: 90 percent of Gazans have been forced to flee

    Palestinians were again forced to flee in a recent evacuation of a refugee camp in central Gaza. Photo: Abdel Kareem Hana/AP/TT

    90 percent of Gaza’s 2.1 million residents have been forced to flee since the war began in October. But the number of evacuation orders issued by Israel during the war is so great that many civilians no longer obey them.

    In the first three weeks of August, the Israeli military issued eleven evacuation orders via text messages, social media and flyers. There, 250,000 Gazans, almost all already refugees, were urged to leave the places where they had taken shelter.

    “The Israeli army will operate with force against terrorist organizations in this area. For your safety, we urge you to evacuate immediately,” reads an order sent out in Khan Yunis in southern Gaza.

    The evacuation orders will let Palestinians know which areas will be subject to military operations. But according to the UN’s Muhannad Hadi, they endanger the lives of residents instead of protecting them.

    Civilians are denied medical care, shelter, water and humanitarian supplies as they are forced to move from one destroyed place to another, he says.

  • Traffic accident outside Borås – woman to hospital

    A car and a truck have collided on road 41 outside Borås.

    – The car has crossed into the oncoming lane, and the truck has tried to swerve but didn’t have time, says police spokesperson Christian Brattgård.

    A 45-year-old woman is taken to hospital in an ambulance. The woman’s condition is unknown. A total of three people are involved in the accident, but the police do not know whether the other two are injured at the moment.

    The accident affects traffic as the cars are recovered. One lane is open to traffic.

  • Landslide in tourist paradise – tourists dead

    Stock image from Phuket in southern Thailand. Photo: Patrick Quinn/AP/TT

    The death toll from a landslide on the Thai tourist island of Phuket has risen to seven, local authorities said.

    Among the dead is a Russian couple who were on holiday on the island. Police have not yet confirmed the identity of the others, but according to local media, Myanmar guest workers are among the victims.

    The landslide, which hit an area of ​​hotels and apartments overnight, was caused by heavy downpours.

    – Those who lived in the area were taken to bed, says police chief Khundech Na Nongkhai.

    Thailand has been hit by heavy monsoon rains for the past week. The rainfall occurs annually, but is considered to have become increasingly intense due to climate change.

  • Stop in train traffic

    There is currently a stop in train traffic between Gothenburg and Stockholm, reports P4 Gothenburg.

    The reason is an accident near Gnesta.

  • Plane crash in Thailand – nine feared dead

    A Thai rescue team works at the site where a small plane crashed on Thursday. Photo: Authorities in Chachoengsao via AP/TT

    A propeller plane has crashed in Thailand’s jungle, southeast of the capital Bangkok.

    All nine people on board – two pilots and seven passengers – are feared dead, the authorities say.

    A search operation is now underway in the province of Chachoengsao. The plane was on its way from Bangkok to Trat in the Gulf of Thailand, near the border with Cambodia, when it crashed for unknown reasons on Thursday.

    The rescue work is hampered by heavy downpours. According to the authorities, some body parts and parts of the burned-out aircraft wreckage have been found.

    Four Thais and five Chinese were on board the crashed plane, according to local media reports.

  • Suspicious object in Kalmar was sharp

    The suspected object was sharp and has been taken care of by the National Bomb Squad. Archive image. Photo: Oscar Olsson/TT

    An area in Kalmar was cordoned off on Thursday afternoon following an alarm about a suspected dangerous object.

    – It was a private person who called in and thought that this object looked a bit strange. It was found among lots of rubbish and may have been there for a long time, says police spokesperson Sara Andersson.

    As of Friday morning, police say the suspect object was sharp and that it has been taken care of by the National Bomb Squad.

    – They have taken this object apart and rendered it harmless. What kind of object it is is not something we communicate, says Andersson

    The roadblocks have been maintained since around 11 pm in the evening. A notification of preparation for public-dangerous devastation has been drawn up. No one is currently a suspect.

    – We continue to work as far as possible and of course we want to get in touch with people who may have seen something.

  • Fire in several cars

    During the night, several cars burned in Helsingborg, according to the police. A total of eleven cars have been damaged.

    A report of damage by fire has been drawn up. No one is a suspect at this time.

  • Fire in shelter

    There is a fire in a closed shelter in Vänersborg, GP reports. Just before 06:00, the alarm came in to the emergency services. How the fire started is unknown.

    – There has been a fire there once before, says Simon Willner, the duty officer of the Rescue Service to GP.

    It is currently unclear whether anyone was injured in connection with the fire.

  • SAS cabin crew go on strike

    Cabin crew working at the airline SAS in Norway go on strike, reports the Norwegian Dagbladet. It is about personnel who are members of the Norwegian cabin union.

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