tracks and course of the event

tracks and course of the event

ENGINEERING SCIENCE TEST. The Engineering Sciences (SI) specialty test for the 2022 baccalaureate will be held during the week devoted to specialty teaching, in mid-May. SI high school students can be called on Wednesday May 11 or Thursday May 12, 2022, from 2 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. Discover the tracks on the potential subjects and the course of the test.

Last straight line for the most innovative among you! The engineering science test (commonly called SI) at Baccalauréat 2022 is announced for Wednesday May 11 or Thursday May 12, 2022, during the short session of the specialty tests. This flagship course is, since the implementation of the baccalaureate reform, one of the twelve specialty subjects that first and final high school students choose to follow or not. To appeal to high school students who are fans of Physics and Chemistry, this course explores the innovative aspects of science and technology, with both theoretical and scientific courses, supplemented by experimental cases. This training develops three main themes; the first being smart territories and products, the mobility of people and goods; the second being assisted, repaired, augmented humans and the third responsible design and prototyping of innovative products. More specifically, the program is structured around five skills to be acquired: Innovate, Analyze, Model and solve, Experiment and Simulate, Communicate. The written specialty test takes up the diversity of this teaching by leaving the candidate free in his choices on D-Day. In addition, since it is organized for the first time since the entry into force of the bac reform, it is difficult to know what to expect for certain candidates. From the dates, to the probable subjects, through the course and the arrangements of the test, here is everything you need to know about the SI specialty exam.

The SI test was normally to take place like all the other specialty education exams in March, but the Ministry of National Education has decided to postpone the series of tests to May to prevent certain candidates from being penalized. by the consequences of the Covid-19 epidemic on the school system. It is therefore between May 11 and 13 that the events are held, and that of SI should more precisely be organized on Wednesday 11 or Thursday 12 May from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m., according to the first details of Studyrama.

The answer to this question is complex. There are five main skills in the IS program: Innovate, Analyze, Model and solve, Experiment and simulate, Communicate. In each skill, there are a multitude of themes, nearly fifty in total. Fortunately for you who are revising, the Ministry of National Education has already sorted out those on which you will be assessed on D-Day, and what are excluded from the tests, and which you can therefore exclude from office (note however that it is preferable not to completely ignore them: the subjects can be transversal, certain knowledge can help candidates in front of their copy). We have compiled for you a list of topics on which you can come across on the day of the test

Skill I: Innovate

  • Break with the existing – Improve the existing
  • Develop a global approach to innovation
  • Evaluate a solution

Skill 2: Analyze

  • Analyze the need, the material and functional organization of a product through a system engineering approach
  • Characterize the power and energy necessary for the operation of a product or system – Identify energy exchanges on a structural diagram
  • Analyze the reversibility of an element of the power chain
  • Analyze information processing
  • Analyze the behavior of an object from a discrete event description
  • Analyze and characterize the information exchanges of a system with a communication network
  • Analyze the principles of digital modulation and demodulation
  • Analyze the main protocols for a communication network and the hardware supports
  • Analyze the behavior of a servo system
  • Analyze the loads applied to a work or structure
  • Analyze experimentation and simulation results
  • Quantify performance differences between expected values, measured values ​​and values ​​obtained by simulation
  • Research and propose causes for observed performance discrepancies
  • Validate the models established to describe the behavior of an object

Competency 3: Model and solve

  • Propose and justify assumptions or simplification for modeling
  • Characterize the physical quantities at the inputs/outputs of a multi-physics model reflecting the power transmission
  • Associate a model with the components of a power chain
  • Translate the expected or observed behavior of an object
  • Translate an algorithm into an executable program
  • Model a structure, mechanism or circuit in graphic form
  • Modeling movements – Modeling mechanical actions
  • Characterizing information exchanges
  • Associate a model with a servo system
  • Use the laws and relationships between the effort and flow magnitudes to develop a knowledge model
  • Determine the flux (current) and force (voltage) quantities in an electrical circuit
  • Determine the mechanical actions (static unknowns of connections or external mechanical action) leading to the static equilibrium of a mechanism, a work or a structure
  • Determine the geometric and kinematic quantities of a mechanism
  • Determine the flux quantity (linear or angular velocity) when the mechanical actions are imposed
  • Determine the magnitude of the effort (force or torque) when the desired movement is imposed
  • Quantify the performance of a real or imagined object by solving the equations that describe the theoretical operation

Skill 4: Experiment and simulate

  • Propose and justify an experimental protocol
  • Instrument all or part of a product to measure performance
  • Implement communication between so-called intelligent objects
  • Identify the characteristic quantities of a communication protocol
  • Modify influential parameters and control program to optimize product performance
  • Validate a digital model of the simulated object

Skill 5: Communicate

  • Present a protocol, an approach, a solution in response to a need – Present and formalize an idea
  • Report results
  • Collect and extract data – Compare, process, organize and synthesize relevant information
  • Documenting a computer program
  • Adapt your communication to the target audience and select the information to transmit – Script a document according to the target audience

The subjects of the specialty test for the “engineering sciences” part of the 2022 session will allow candidates to choose part of the questioning. Each subject will consist of several independent subsections. You will find a first subsection which will have to be dealt with. Then, other sub-parts will be left to you to choose from among several proposals. All the sub-sections will relate to different contents of the Terminale program: it is advisable to devote as much time to the treatment of each of these sections. and will be equivalent in terms of the time required to process them.

The “physical sciences” part of the “engineering sciences” specialty education test for the final class of the general route is also assessed on the day of the Baccalaureate. How does this “physical sciences” part take place? Key words will be present in the introduction of the exercises in order to inform you about the main areas covered. Here again, the subject will be constructed in such a way that the choice is as wide as possible. You will therefore have two exercises on ten points to choose from three exercises offered.

A priori, the results of the Engineering Sciences specialty test will be available on July 5, at the same time as the results of the other tests (French, philosophy and major oral). The fact that specialty courses are evaluated one month earlier does not affect the publication of the results.
