Tracked watercraft theft route – Latest news – fast news from Aftonbladet


  • Tracked the jet ski’s theft route

    9 min

    Elliot Morseth Edvinsson

    On Tuesday, a hunt was carried out for a stolen jet ski in Mariefred.

    A resident of Mariefred had called the police and reported that there had been a burglary in the garage and that a jet ski had been stolen.

    Fortunately, there was a tracking device on the vehicle that made it possible to follow the theft route – along the E4 towards Södertälje.

    The police stopped a car with the jet ski on a trailer near Nykvarn and seized the jet ski.

    The driver was detained and suspected of grand theft.


  • Cyclist and motorist in collision

    A 35-year-old woman on a bicycle was hit by a motorist in Sollentuna municipality at around 15:30.

    The woman had to go by ambulance for a check-up.

    The motorist is suspected of failing to observe the right of way and causing bodily harm.

  • North Korean soldier crossed the border

    Early on Tuesday, a North Korean soldier crossed the border into South Korea, Reuters reports.

    The defection from North Korea took place through the military-monitored border in the eastern part of the Korean Peninsula.

    The soldier was taken into custody by the South Korean military and questioned about the motives for the crossing.

    According to the Yonhap news agency, the soldier must have been a staff sergeant.

    Earlier in August, another North Korean resident crossed the border on the west coast.

    Defection by crossing the border directly is unusual and considered particularly risky, reports Reuters.

  • Cyclist hit by car

    A woman on a bicycle has been hit by a motorist at a roundabout in Gällivare.

    The woman is taken to hospital by ambulance.

    The extent of the damage is unclear.

    The driver of the car, a man, is suspected of not having observed the duty to yield to vehicles in a roundabout.

  • Murder conviction established for 99-year-old Nazi secretary

    99-year-old Irmgard Furchner is finally sentenced for aiding and abetting the murder of tens of thousands of prisoners in a Nazi concentration camp. Archive image. Photo: Christian Charisius/Pool via AP/TT

    99-year-old former Nazi secretary Irmgard Furchner on Tuesday lost an appeal against a previous conviction for aiding and abetting the murder of more than 10,000 people in concentration camps.

    Furchner was given a two-year suspended sentence at the end of 2022, when she was deemed complicit in the “cruel and malicious murders” of inmates at the Nazi concentration camp Stutthof in then-occupied Poland.

    A federal court in a final appeal denied her request to have the conviction overturned.

    Furchner was the secretary and managed the correspondence from the camp between June 1943 and April 1945, under the direction of the camp commander Paul Werner Hoppe. Furchner’s husband was an SS officer at the camp. Thus, the court ruled, Furchner knew well what happened to the victims in the camp.

    Before the first trial, which was held in a specSee more

  • Strömmer travels to Denmark

    According to a press release, Justice Minister Gunnar Strömmer will go to Copenhagen on Monday to meet Denmark’s Justice Minister Peter Hummelgaard.

    In connection with the visit, a joint press conference will be held on the efforts against gang crime.

  • Suspected dangerous object after motorcycle chase

    The police have cordoned off a place in Vänersborg due to a suspected dangerous object.

    The National Bomb Squad has been called to the scene.

    The item, a backpack, was found in connection with a police chase.

    – The MC driver did not stop at the police sign and instead tried to flee the scene. After a short pursuit, the motorcycle overturns, says Peter Adlersson, press spokesperson at the police.

    No one was injured and a passenger ran from the scene.

    – One person ran from the scene and we are now searching with a helicopter and dog. A gun-like object was found in the backpack.

    A 35-year-old man has been arrested for serious weapons offences.

    Later in the evening, the police state that the object was assessed as sharp during the operation, but that it is now harmless and must be transported away by the bomb shelter.

  • Ukraine breaks with Russian Orthodox churches

    Parliament of Ukraine. Archive image. Photo: Sergiy Chuzavkov/AP/TT

    Ukraine’s parliament voted on Tuesday to ban Orthodox congregations in Ukraine that have ties to Russia. The decision was taken at the same time as Kiev cuts ties with religious, social and societal institutions and groups.

    The decision specifically targets those parts of Ukraine’s Orthodox congregations that are considered to have very close ties to their counterparts in Moscow.

    President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, who must sign the parliamentary decision before it becomes law, welcomed the vote and wrote on social media that the government should “continue to strengthen Ukraine and our society”.

    The patriarch of the Moscow Orthodox Church, in turn, condemned the “illegal” decision.

    Ukraine began efforts to distance itself from Russian-controlled institutions even before the Russian invasion in 2022, but the work has since intensified.

  • Total stop on E4 – car has driven into a guardrail

    A passenger car has collided with the central guardrail on the E4 in the southbound direction at the height of Örkelljunga.

    There are stops in both directions.

    The emergency services are on the scene and the police and ambulance are on their way there.

    It is unknown if anyone is injured.

    Update 17:10:

    The driver of the car is suspected of drunk driving, but is physically unharmed.

    Recovery of the car is underway, and access to the site is limited.

  • The world’s oldest person has died

    Maria Branyas Morera. Photo: Guinness World Records

    The world’s oldest person has died. Maria Branyas Morera, born in the USA, has died in Spain after just over 117 years on earth.

    “Maria Branyas has left us. She died as she had wished: in her sleep, peacefully and without pain,” her family wrote on social media.

    Guinness World Records issued a certificate to Maria Branyas Morera as the world’s oldest living person last January. Then the world’s then oldest person, Lucile Randon from France, had died at the age of 118.

    The world’s currently oldest living person is – as far as is known – the Japanese Tomiko Itooka. She was born in May 1908 and thus turned 116 this spring.

  • Gaza: New deadly Israeli attack on school

    Palestinians have fled across large parts of the Gaza Strip since the war between Israel and Hamas broke out last year. The picture was taken on August 11. Photo: Abdel Kareem Hana/AP/TT

    A school in Gaza City has been hit in an Israeli raid. According to Palestinian authorities, at least twelve people have been killed and at least 15 injured.

    From the Israeli side, it is said to have struck a Hamas target, and the Israeli army says the school was used by Hamas to plan and carry out attacks against Israel.

    In recent weeks, the Israeli military has struck several schools in the Gaza Strip, which they say have been strongholds of Hamas.

    According to the Hamas-controlled Gaza Health Ministry, over 40,000 people in Gaza have died since the outbreak of war.

  • Forest fire outside Tierp – waterbombed by MSB helicopters

    A forest fire has broken out on an area of ​​50 by 100 meters in Skärplinge, in the municipality of Tierp.

    The emergency services are on site with a large number of resources.

    – MSB helicopters are also there and water bombs as much as possible, says the rescue service’s command operator Josef Gustafsson.

    The extinguishing work is expected to last until 19:00, according to a forecast from the rescue service.

    – The fire is at a clearing in the middle of the forest, says Josef Gustafsson.

  • Traffic sign has collapsed – affecting traffic

    The sign that has collapsed at Gullmarsplan. Photo: Reader image

    A large traffic sign has fallen over the road in the roundabout at Gullmarsplan, Stockholm.

    The sign, which shows the way to Gustavsberg to the right and Stockholm C to the left, hangs directly over the motorway.

    The exit towards Hammarbyhöjden is closed.

    This causes a very large traffic impact, according to the Swedish Transport Administration.

    Read more here.

  • Wolf was shot – hunters thought it was a fox

    A hunter who shot a wolf in Värmland last week says he thought it was a fox, Sveriges Radio reports P4 Värmland.

    It all happened during an educational hunt arranged by the Jägarförbundet during the buck hunt that began on August 16.

    According to the hunting association in Värmland, the whole thing was an unusual mistake.

    A police investigation into the case is now underway.

  • Peanut whiskey recalled – contains sesame

    Peanut whiskey is being recalled after it was discovered that the product contains the allergen sesame. Archive image. Photo: Oscar Olsson/TT

    Systembolaget is recalling the product “Skrewball whiskey & peanut butter flavored spirit drink 35%, 700 ml” as it contains the allergen sesame, which is not stated on the label.

    The recall applies to approximately 800 bottles that have been sold since August 9 this year.

    “It has come to our attention on Tuesday morning that Skrewball Peanut Butter Whiskey not only contains nuts but also sesame, which is an allergen. This is of course serious and therefore we stop selling the product”, says product quality manager Pontus Jennerholm, in a press release.

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