TPMP on Zoubida TV, YouTube, Free, SFR, Orange … Hanouna returns! How and what time to see the show?

TPMP on Zoubida TV YouTube Free SFR Orange Hanouna returns

Cyril Hanouna returns this Monday, March 3, 2025, at the same time. TPMP will be available via its new “Zoubida TV” channel on YouTube, Dailymotion, but also on Free, SFR, Orange or Canal+boxes …

The end clap for C8 took place last Friday at midnight. And it was preceded by a final Touche not at my post very special. Thursday, during an endless program, Cyril Hanouna announced that despite the stop of the Vincent Bolloré channel, TPMP was going to continue this Monday evening, while waiting for his arrival in group M6 on September 1. The star host has promised fans of the show an immediate return to screens, via streaming and internet boxes.

A relief for the millions of viewers of TPMPorphans since Friday of their favorite talk show. As of this evening, from 6.20 pm, the emblematic program of “Baba” resumes service for several weeks on new broadcast channels and with a whole new decor, some details of which have been revealed on social networks.

Cyril Hanouna First launched its own web TV, “Zoubida TV” with great fanfare, which will host TPMP on a daily basis for a few months. The channel is available on Dailymotion and Youtube, with live broadcasts from Monday to Thursday, from 6.30 p.m. to 9:15 p.m. approximately. All and more official accounts TPMP On the two platforms, which should also distribute the lives.

TPMP must also be back on the Internet boxes. On account X of the show, daily broadcasts are already promised on Canal 29 for subscribers to Canal+ (40 for Africa, 84 for the Antilles, 34 for the Indian Ocean and 31 for the new Caledonia). It will also be necessary to press on the 29th for SFR. Touche not at my post Will also be available on Canal 31 for Free, 64 for Bouygues and Channel 80 for Orange. If technical questions remain, TPMP thus settled again in the offers of the main operators, excluding TNT.

Entertainment, although criticized, should therefore continue to occupy the evening debut of each other, with only a small migration on the new digital channels of the animator. If C8 has diverted in large part because of the show’s slippages, TPMP And his joyful band do not intend to let go of the song and could well go even further in the “free expression” they cherish, released for a time of the rules of the Arch.
