Toxic relationships alert: How to spot friends who are not really so?

Toxic relationships alert How to spot friends who are not

Better to flee.

Friendship is precious and something that is cultivated. We can do a lot for a friend, provided you trust him and be sure of his real intentions. Among the signs that show that a person is not really your friend, there is the lack of support. “”The “false” friend shows no interest in your problems, he tends to bring everything back to him and is absent in difficult times (illness, divorce, dismissal)“, Immediately observes Sandrine Carême, counselor in relational, emotional and sexual life. Sometimes, he is only present if it suits her. Normally, real friends do not judge you and remain present, whatever your situation personal.

It is always you who take the first step. A person who never takes the initiative to contact you or who does not respond to your messages manifests a real lack of interest in your friendly relationship. “”If it is always you who take the initiative to call, to get news, to offer to see yourself, you will end up exhausting yourself sooner or later. To be sustainable, a friendship relationship must be reciprocal “develops our interlocutor. Then there is a lack of frankness and tends to speak behind your back. “”He does not hesitate to spread rumors about you, to share personal information that you had entrusted to him, which demonstrates a deep lack of loyalty and a lack of respect for your secret garden“. A real friend would be unable to betray you. He does not hesitate to give you advice or to tell you when you are on the wrong track.

More insidiously, the false friend is jealous of your success and never rejoices in your happiness and your successes. For example, when you announce your wedding, your pregnancy, your real estate purchase or a new professional project, it is never enthusiastic and is even jealous. In a real friendship, competitiveness has no place. This attitude is indicative of the toxicity of the relationship.

Finally, a “friend” who is not real doing things only out of interest: where a real friend gives without expecting anything in return, a false-friend does only services if he sees advantages. He shows selfishness to any test and does not hesitate to manipulate you to achieve his ends. Nor does he hesitate to disrespect you by lowering you and judging the least of your actions.
