Planners with Oxford County and the Township of East Zorra-Tavistock are undertaking a settlement area boundary expansion study to determine whether the village boundaries of Tavistock and Innerkip need to be expanded to accommodate projected future growth in the township.

To prepare for its projected growth in population over the next 25 years, Township of East Zorra-Tavistock officials are looking at the potential to expand the village boundaries of Tavistock and Innerkip.
On Sept. 8 from 5 pm to 7 pm, Oxford County planners will host a public open house at the Hickson Park Pavilion to talk with area residents about how the township plans to accommodate future population and employment needs.
“The Township of East Zorra-Tavistock is currently forecasted to grow by approximately 2,500 residents and 500 employees by the year 2047,” Oxford County development planner Dustin Robson said. “The majority of this forecasted growth is intended to be accommodated in the villages of Tavistock and Innerkip, as they are identified as the township’s primary growth centers in the (county’s) official plan.
“In order for the township to be able to accommodate this growth, it is critical there is a sufficient supply of land in those centers to do so.”
To better understand how and where the boundaries of both villages might be expanded, the township and the county are conducting a settlement area boundary expansion study to ensure that projected growth can be absorbed by both communities in a socially, economically and environmentally sustainable way.
Robson said the project team has so far identified an initial focus study area consisting of lands within the existing settlement boundaries for both Tavistock and Innerkip. The focus study area, he explained, simply identifies the lands that will be evaluated in greater detail through the study to determine the most appropriate direction for the expansion of those boundaries should expansions be warranted.
“The amount of land that is ultimately required to accommodate the township’s forecasted growth will need to be determined through the study process and the location of any lands considered for settlement expansion will be evaluated against a range of criteria including, but not limited to, the existence of natural heritage features and hazards, impacts on agriculture, development patterns and integration with the existing community, (among others),” said Robson, adding the feasibility of servicing lands within any proposed annexed lands will also play a big role in determining where to expand.
Since the vast majority of the land located beyond the borders of Innerkip and Tavistock in Oxford County is farmland, Robson noted that any boundary expansion would result in the annexation of some agricultural properties into the newly established settlement boundaries.
“Therefore, the goal is to ensure the township’s forecasted growth can be accommodated while also trying to minimize the loss of agricultural land and impacts on agriculture to the extent feasible,” Robson said.
While next week’s open house will be held to introduce residents to the project and solicit feedback, Robson said there will be other opportunities for the public to stay engaged and contribute as this project progresses.