towards difficult agreements with the opposition? Forced into alliances to govern?

towards difficult agreements with the opposition Forced into alliances to

MACRON. Emmanuel Macron submitted two options to the opposition: a coalition government or agreements on a case-by-case basis. But are agreements possible? Will they allow him to rule?

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[Mis à jour le 24 juin 2022 à 11h46] Emmanuel Macron tries to extend a hand to the opposition but no one seems to want to take it. It is more by obligation than by desire that the head of state turns to the opposition, the only solution to hope to keep his other hand on national politics. Weakened in the Assembly with a relative majority after the reverse of the legislative elections, Emmanuel Macron talks with his opponents and offers them solutions: a coalition of government or agreements on a case-by-case basis according to the texts voted. Problem, these options do not suit almost anyone in the opposition and the refusals are often accompanied by criticism of a President “in denial” of the election results.

The Head of State assured that he had taken note of the choices of the voters to re-elect him as head of the country on April 24 and to have granted him the majority on June 19, recognizing, however, the inability for anyone in the Assembly to govern alone. . He invited the opposition to compromise, but opposite the speech of Emmanuel Macron on June 22 was not well received and it is demanded that the Head of State take the first step towards the opposition and lend him -even in the famous game of compromises. Some also did not appreciate the “ultimatum” posed by Emmanuel Macron, an expression rejected by the government, which prefers to speak of long negotiations. Discussions in which the Head of State will take part again in the middle of next week at the earliest with a potential new series of consultations according to the government spokesperson, invited yesterday morning on France info.

Until then, Emmanuel Macron hopes to see the situation turn a little more to his advantage. But if the door to agreements opens on the side of the right with the president LR of the Grand-Est who calls in the columns of the Parisian his political family to work with the government to avoid immobility – he still demands a “change of method” on the part of Emmanuel Macron – the left and the far right remain closed to the idea.

The Republicans, a constructive opposition to Macron?

The boss of the Republicans, Christian Jacob, opened the ball for consultations at 10 a.m. on Tuesday, June 21. And as since the start of the legislative campaign, the tenor of the right has asserted his place in the opposition, wanting to prove wrong all those who compared LR to an easier vote reserve for the presidential majority in the Assembly. “There is no question of a pact with the government, nor of a coalition”, assured Christian Jacob at the exit of the Elysee Palace on June 21, specifying all the same to Emmanuel Macron that the right would not be “ in the systematic blocking of the policies of the presidential camp. Aurélien Pradié, LR’s number two, was harder on Emmanuel Macron after his speech. On Public Senatehe refused a coalition with the government “because we do not have the same political convictions. There is a need for the Republican right to resist the times which would like to push us into the arms of extremes or reasonable people”.

Republicans may be more in favor of case-by-case agreements depending on the texts, although this remains to be proven. However, with regard to individual canvassing of elected representatives from the right, Christian Jacob warned: “New poaching [seraient] experienced by LR as an additional provocation and that this would generate tension in the group in the National Assembly”.

Possible agreements between Emmanuel Macron and the RN of Marine Le Pen?

Emmanuel Macron saw, unsurprisingly, his proposal for a “government of national unity” rejected by Marine Le Pen. Will the National Rally be more open to the new options mentioned by the Head of State? Recent statements by party chairman Jordan Bardella suggest the answer is no. “He asks the opposition to come to him when he has been beaten at the ballot box, it is up to him to say which path he is ready to take, on which axes of his project, he is ready to back down. He has was elected, but his program was defeated last Sunday,” he said on France Inter June 23. The RN intends to take advantage of its historic group in the National Assembly and play its role in the opposition. Agreements do not therefore seem possible between the presidential majority and the far right, but Marine Le Pen has guaranteed the head of state that his group will not be “in the systematic obstruction” of politics. “If measures go in the right direction, we will vote for them […]if they go the wrong way, we will amend them, and if they are not amended as we wish, we will oppose them”, she slipped to theAFP June 21 recalling in passing its firm opposition to the pension reform.

The broken dialogue between Emmanuel Macron and LFI?

It is impossible to unite the presidential majority and rebellious France, which have “two different political projects”, declared LFI MP Manuel Bompard this morning on France info. The elected official from Bouches-du-Rhône refuses to give up the Nupes project and believes that concluding an agreement, whatever it is, with Emmanuel Macron would send a message of inconsistency and would betray the choice made by voters during the legislative elections. . Words that confirm those of Adrien Quatennens two days earlier: “We are not candidates for any scheme or any participation in a government with the President of the Republic”. A sign that cooperation between Emmanuel Macron and LFI is not possible, Manuel Bompard has confirmed the filing of a motion of censure against the government if Elisabeth Borne refuses to submit to a vote of confidence before Parliament.

Emmanuel Macron urges the PS to make efforts?

“Jupiter, it’s over” assured Olivier to Emmanuel Macron during their interview on May 21. The first secretary of the Socialist Party explained that the left is “willing to move forward” with the government but on one condition: that the policy is imbued with the measures of the socialist program such as the increase in the minimum wage to €1,500, to name a few. she. The deputy of the PS and Nupes in the National Assembly, Valérie Rabault estimated on France Inter on June 23 that it was up to Emmanuel Macron to take steps towards the opposition and not the other way around: “He is up against the wall. He is the one who is responsible for the destiny of France. He knows perfectly our engagements. […] We want the minimum wage at 1500 euros net. Yes or no, does he want to add it to his project? If he stays on his project, he does not have an absolute majority and it is he who will block France, it is not us “. This June 24, the elected official puts a layer on France 2 in responding to the observation of the Head of State on the choice made by the voters in re-electing her as head of the country: “He said ‘I was elected on April 24 on a program’, I voted for him on April 24, it was not for the program”.

The PCF refuses agreements with Emmanuel Macron?

On the left, the communist deputies are more discreet than the rebellious and the socialists, they however hold the same positions and refuse to ally themselves or to conclude agreements with Emmanuel Macron. The leader of the PCF, Fabien Roussel, assured on June 21 after his meeting with the Head of State that he would not take part in any government coalition. The reason ? “There is such a climate of distrust in [l’]against [d’Emmanuel Macron] that is not possible. It would not be understood” by the voters, he said on the set of LCI. The Nupes is therefore united and will be fully in opposition to the presidential majority.

What position for EELV against Emmanuel Macron?

If Julien Bayou remained discreet after his interview with Emmanuel Macron on May 21, Yannick Jadot is the spokesperson for environmentalists and explained on June 24 on France Inter that he “does not close the door to anything because the president of the Republic didn’t talk about anything”. Not sure, however, that the speech is very encouraging. The leader of Europe-Ecologie-Les Verts (EELV) also said he was “ready to compromise” but he criticized Emmanuel Macron for being in denial about his re-election on April 24: “I immediately called to vote for Emmanuel Macron but not for his project”. Another criticism made to the Head of State: he should “not issue ultimatums, say you are children, you have 48 hours to tidy up your rooms”. environmentalists are still vague but less categorical than that of LFI, another member of Nupes.

Will Emmanuel Macron appoint a new Prime Minister?

Emmanuel Macron imposed himself in negotiations with political representatives when it was up to the Prime Minister, Elisabeth Borne, to find compromises and move towards agreements with the opposition forces of the National Assembly. The sidelining of the Matignon tenant has not gone unnoticed and further weakens the support of the head of government. The opposition has been calling for the appointment of a new Prime Minister since the day after the legislative elections and demands that Elisabeth Borne submit to the vote of confidence after her general policy speech before Parliament, failing which LFI promises the filing of a motion of censure. Will Emmanuel Macron be forced to appoint a new Prime Minister? The doubt persists and the Head of State keeps his intentions secret. But according to Alain Minc, a close associate of the President, in Figaro“the situation will require […] a very political Prime Minister” while Elisabeth Borne has repeatedly been deemed too technocratic. Other sources close to the executive and from La République en Marche based on the departure of the Prime Minister and take as proof the refusal of the resignation of the Matignon tenant on May 21.
