towards a return to prison for the Balkany spouses

towards a return to prison for the Balkany spouses

Justice revoked this Thursday the placement under electronic bracelet of the Balkany couple, paving the way for the upcoming imprisonment of the former mayor LR of Levallois-Perret (Hauts-de-Seine) and his wife for “massive tax fraud” .

Patrick and Isabelle Barkany were serving their sadness at home, in Giverny, in Normandy. But on many occasions, they did not respect the rules set by justice.

More than a hundred incidents have been counted. The Balkany’s electronic bracelets rang regularly because they had not returned home in time or had not respected the security perimeter. The fault of their dog which escapes, had explained one of their lawyers.

Still, the couple did not attend two summonses from the prison services. Patrick Balkany has also been seen several times in Levallois-Perret, notably at the market, the city of which he was mayor for more than 30 years. It is therefore for all these shortcomings that justice has decided to send them back to prison.

Upon learning of this decision, Isabelle Balkany, 74, swallowed medication and was hospitalized, according to her husband. Due to her health, following a previous suicide attempt, she had never been imprisoned until now.

A “worrying” decision

Patrick Balkany, 73, has already spent five months in detention before being released on probation in February 2020, due to medical issues. His lawyer announced that he was going to make a new request for adjustment of his sentence and denounced a decision “ disturbing ” because of’health of his client.

The Balkany couple should also appeal to the Court of Cassation. But that won’t allow them to escape prison. It is the Évreux public prosecutor’s office which must now organize their entry into a remand center. It may take a few days…
