Tove in Vetlanda: The 18-year-old is questioned during the trial

Tove in Vetlanda The 18 year old is questioned during the trial

Published: Less than 20 min ago

When the 18-year-old was going to tell about the night Tove died, it broke for her.

– Then the 20-year-old says that I have to help get Tove down to the car. And I… I dare not object.

Shortly thereafter, the hearing was paused.

The 18-year-old began by talking about the evening at Nöjet. She says that she had slept badly, hadn’t eaten and then had a drink at the bar and tells about the fight between Tove and the 20-year-old.

After closing, the three go home together to the 20-year-old’s apartment.

– The atmosphere feels good during the walk. I’ve been drinking a lot, so I’m not really into the game and what they’re talking about.

She says she goes to sleep in the 20-year-old’s bed. After going to the toilet, she falls asleep in bed.

When the 18-year-old finds out about what happens later that night, it becomes difficult for her. She speaks more slowly.

full screen Picture from the night out at Nöjet. The 18-year-old looks in the direction Tove is sitting. Photo: THE POLICE

“Says I have to help”

She says she wakes up once more and remembers that she doesn’t see Tove. Later, she is woken up by the 20-year-old who says she needs help.

– When we go out to the living room…

Here the 18-year-old takes a break and you can hear that she is very impressed with her voice.

– I see that Tove is lying… wrapped in a sheet… and, yes…, she says.

She pauses again before continuing.

– I am completely shocked. So I’m freezing, I don’t know… well, what I’m thinking. Then the 20-year-old says that I have to help get Tove down to the car. And I… I don’t dare to object, says the 18-year-old with a trembling voice.

full screen the 18 year old. Photo: THE POLICE

Having trouble finding the words

She describes them carrying Tove’s body down the stairs and out to the 20-year-old’s car. She finds it hard to find the words.

– The 20-year-old says that I have to go first, and check that I don’t, that it’s quiet in the stairwell and so on. The 20-year-old first drags Tove up the stairs, but then she says I have to help lift Tove because it makes too much noise.

According to her, the 20-year-old says that she has to go in the car and that she thinks it’s terrible.

– In the car, the 20-year-old says that she will kill herself if she ends up in prison, the 18-year-old continues.

Then it fails for the 18-year-old and she breaks down in tears. The court decides to break the interrogation and take a break.
