Tourists tip tourists – this is what you should do in Stockholm

Tourists that SVT talks to in Stockholm seem to agree: it’s great to be a tourist in the capital, at least when it’s warm and the sun is out.

– My tip is to walk around and explore the city, says Sofia, who is visiting Stockholm from Mexico.

Summer theme

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  • 16.5 million foreign tourists

    Every year, people from all over the world travel to Sweden. So far this year, the number of foreign tourists has increased by 7 percent in comparison with the same period last year.

    In 2023, there were approximately 16.5 million foreign tourists who visited the country.

    The coolcation trend that is taking over Sweden

    “Coolcation” has become a concept that has started to appear on the news – it’s about traveling to a cooler destination rather than a hot one.

    But for Elina, a Finnish tourist in Stockholm, the cold would not have been a plus.

    – I was worried that it would be too cold, but it’s nice, she says.

    See tourists’ best Stockholm tips in the video.
