A tourist bus in Uppsala has driven off the road and ended up in a ditch. – What we have received from the bus driver is that there are about 30 passengers on the bus who seem to have difficulty getting out, says Magnus Jansson Klarin at the police. The accident happened at 2 pm at the intersection between county road 661 and 664, just east of county road 288. – It is snowing incredibly much and it is difficult for us to get there, says Magnus Jansson Klarin at the police. He says that the place is extremely slippery and that the bus is in bad shape. Four people were taken to hospital by ambulance. At 3 p.m. the other passengers had been able to be evacuated. Eight cars in an accident – two seriously injured The police state that it has been a messy day in region Mitt with over 14 accidents. Among other things, there is said to have been an accident involving eight cars on national highway 72 in the vicinity of Västerby. According to the police, two people are seriously injured and have been taken to hospital by ambulance. Also on national highway 70 in Enköping there has been a total standstill as a result of an accident. Yellow weather warning Earlier today, SMHI issued a yellow weather warning for snowfall in Södermanland and Stockholm County. SMHI describes the weather as abundant and that it can cause various traffic problems, such as delays in public transport and limited accessibility on roads. “Snowfall increasing in intensity. A total of about 5 cm of fresh snow may arrive before moving east Saturday evening. However, large local variations may occur and uncertain how much will settle on the roads. It will also be followed by falling temperatures and wet roadways may freeze,” SMHI writes on its website. See pictures from the location in the clip above.
Tourist bus in the ditch – 30 stuck: “It’s snowing incredibly”