Tourism, the beautiful season: “More than 34 million French people have gone on vacation”

Tourism the beautiful season More than 34 million French people

It is with enthusiasm that François de Canson, president of ADN Tourisme and of the Regional Tourism Committee of the Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur region, talks to L’Express about the results of the summer tourist season in France. It must be said that it is excellent: 34 million people have gone on vacation (+2M compared to 2019) and professionals in the sector are reporting an increase in their turnover. The proof, if it were needed, that the French take the subject of holidays very seriously, although inflation reaches records and that the Covid-19 has not disappeared.

L’Express: What conclusions can we draw from the summer tourist season in France?

Francois de Canson: An excellent record. We can say that the desire for vacation prevailed over all the problems linked to inflation: the drop in purchasing power, the increase in the price of gasoline… Even the households forced to change their ‘air. This can be seen by analyzing the budget allocated to this leave: it is 1,600 euros on average for four people, i.e. 8% less than in 2019. We note, to remedy the difficulties of the moment, that they left less far ; some Parisians preferring, for example, to go to Brittany or Normandy rather than to the South. But they left anyway. As for wealthy households, they have agreed to pay more for the hotel. In total, more than 34 million French people went on vacation this summer, two million more than in 2019 (pre-Covid year, editor’s note). And it’s not over: four out of ten French people intend to travel in September. The off-season promises to be very good, according to the principle of splitting stays that we are also observing this year.

Which regions were popular with holidaymakers?

Most regions report very good attendance. The most sought after area remains the coast (Atlantic and Mediterranean), which concentrated 37% of the places frequented by tourists. In addition, 24% of French people say they have gone more than in 2021 to a bathing place near their home. The Nouvelle-Aquitaine region notes an increase in French attendance, while the regional tourism committees of Brittany, Normandy and Occitanie also report very good levels of attendance. The Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur region has also, of course, been popular with tourists. On the other hand, there is a loss of momentum within the tourist areas located inland. I am thinking of the Gers or the Dordogne, which were very fashionable during the Covid period, and which are losing a bit of their dynamic.

What are the particularly winning sectors?

All sectors are emerging winners this summer. As far as hotels are concerned, there is even a paradox: in the South region, we note an occupancy rate in July of 82%, i.e. two points more than in 2019, even though prices are rising. This is proof that people have made a financial effort to go on vacation. In addition, foreigners have returned, including American, Canadian and Middle Eastern customers. The outdoor hotel industry, that is to say campsites, will also break records. It’s a good alternative to a hotel when it turns out to be too expensive. On average, camping stays are 11 days, which is already quite a lot. the rental sector has also exploded since 32% of additional accommodation has been rented compared to 2021. As far as means of transport are concerned, there too, no jealousy. SNCF has broken sales records and should end the summer with a 10% increase in traffic compared to 2019. The air sector has finally got off to a strong start, while many observers were promising it difficult years due to consequences of Covid-19.

You mention the Covid-19, has it changed tourist practices?

People have forgotten, or wanted to forget the Covid-19. This can be seen in the attendance at amusement parks, such as Disneyland Paris or Puy du Fou. People who didn’t go on vacation wanted to spend a day or two there. However, in these parks, there are many people, which facilitates the transmission of the virus. This good summer season is good news for the tourism sector, which suffered during the Covid period. Even if we must not forget the substantial aid provided by the State and the regions, which have enabled many establishments to get by.

What do these good figures mean to you about the place of tourism in France?

Tourism is a factor of social cohesion necessary in these troubled times. It is necessary to develop social tourism so that no one is excluded. I am campaigning for a reflection to be carried out on the relaunch of large holiday centers, which we no longer see today. We have a public policy for industry, for the economy, but not yet for tourism. However, it represents nearly 10% of the GDP of our country. many cities, campaigns, depend on this sector. The ecological question is, of course, to be taken into consideration. And I believe she is. Most regions are currently seeking a balance between economic activity and respect for the environment.
