Tourism, Necci (Federalberghi Rome): “Hotels in evolution”, the challenges of the future

Tourism Necci Federalberghi Rome Hotels in evolution the challenges of

(Finance) – After the years marked by the anti-Covid restrictions, the tourism has reared its head. Overall, the numbers that characterize the current season are decidedly good, but it is still early to claim victory. Try the fact that walking through the streets of the major Italian cities, it is not uncommon (indeed) to come across in hotels that have definitively pulled down the shutters. Even the capital is no exception. Finance talked about it with Robert Necci, President of the Study Center of Federalberghi Rome and Vice President of the same association.

“We left in 2020, on the threshold of Covid with 1300 hotels that were surveyed in the capital, to date, therefore, 3 years after the known facts, the hotels that are operational are included between 800 and 900″, explains Necci. “This means – he continues – that objectively there has been a natural selection which has led to the exclusion from the market of companies that were in a certain way shaky before the crisis and all those mainly very small one or two star companies which are no longer they no longer exist, that is, they have left the market also due to changes in consumer tastes. In general, we can say that Covid has in some ways represented the same watershed, accelerating processes that were certainly underway but which precisely with the pandemic event have There have been new openings but which obviously increase the number of rooms available because the new openings are very large hotels or changes of hands of hotels that existed today in chief to international companies but numerically the hotels are less and the rooms are actually more. The bottom line is that the market is our master, what then decides, there are hotels that are objectively in bad shape, which would not have kept up with the new tastes of the client, the consumer, with dated plant engineering, with the need for structural interventions and which have not been able to renew over time”.

As for the tourist flowsi “were until July definitely on the rise, the cities of art have discovered a new spring, I want to call it that, due to the fact that even some distant destinations are affected and therefore nearby Europe is perceived as an easy, reachable, safe destination. There is, however, the great theme of internal market che worked very well up to June, going hand in hand with the development of the international market, but which has been pulling the brakes a bit in recent weeks due to a change in the economic situation of our country, i.e. the increase in interest rates and above all inflation which have made Italians impoverish and who have in any case given up or shortened or chosen decidedly cheaper holiday accommodations”.

“In general – concludes Necci – the secret of success is always to guarantee the market and therefore the consumer products and services that he deems suitable for the price to which are applied and that surprise him. You have to aim for onelong-term policy, offering suitable services for one sustainable development”.
