Tourism: Italian spending abroad jumps in November

Tourism Italian spending abroad jumps in November

(Tiper Stock Exchange) – Leap in spending by Italian tourists abroad which, last November, rose by 71% to 2.1 billion euros against a 42% increase in those of foreigners in our country. This is what emerges from the statistics of the Bank of Italy according to which, in November, Italy’s tourism balance of payments thus recorded a surplus of 0.3 billion euros, “just lower than that recorded in the same month of 2021 and of 2019 (0.4 billion in both cases)”.

Even in comparison with November 2019 the increase in revenues was smaller to that of outgoings (2 against 8 per cent). In the last three months for which data are available (September-November 2022) the expenditure of foreigners in Italy was 43 per cent higher than in the corresponding period of 2021; that of Italian travelers abroad by 75 per cent. Full recovery compared to pre-pandemic values ​​is confirmed for both flows.

The survey is conducted with the primary objective of compiling the items “Travel” (which includes goods and services purchased by natural persons in countries where they are not resident, in connection with travel to such countries) and “International passenger transport of Italy’s balance of payments.

Meanwhile, always staying on the subject of tourism, the recovery after the difficulties associated with the pandemic pushes Made in Italy food che becomes Italy’s first wealth for a value of 580 billion euros in the last year, despite the energy crisis triggered by the war in Ukraine. This is what emerges from the Coldiretti report “Food and tourism, Italy that wins” released on the eve of the Bit on the occasion of the meeting at the Manzoni Theater in Milan with the participation of the president Ettore Prandini together with the Minister of Tourism Daniela Santanché, the Minister of ‘Agriculture, Food Sovereignty and Forests Francesco Lollobrigida and the President of the Lombardy Region Attilio Fontana.

The restart at full speed of the activities of catering and hospitality, from restaurants to agritourisms, has had an important impact on Made in Italy at the table which is worth today – underlines Coldiretti – almost a quarter of the national GDP and, from the field to the table, involves as many as 4 million workers in 740,000 farms, 70,000 food industries, over 330,000 realities catering and 230,000 retail outlets. It is no coincidence that food – underlines Coldiretti – has become the main item in the budget of Italian and foreign families on holiday in Italy with about 1/3 of the expenditure destined to eat meals out but also to purchase food or souvenirs or food and wine specialties.
