Tourism, Enit: “Italy is the first European destination for association congresses”

Tourism Enit Italy is the first European destination for association

(Finance) – The opinion leaders of the meeting industry – institutions, operators, and over 40 personalities from the Italian academic world – met in the second edition of Italian Knowledge Leaders at the Politecnico di Milano to design the Mice world of the future. A project born from the collaboration between Enit and Convention Bureau Italy under the patronage of Ministry of Tourism. A path – explains Enit in a note – launched to make a structured and tested support system available to Italian institutions, destinations and private companies operating in the Meeting Industry in favor of Italian knowledge leaders.

If in 2021 Italy ranked 5th for the number of congresses and events organized, this year’s preliminary research, discussed during the event and carried out by CBItalia and ENIT instead sanctioned theItaly number 1 destination in Europe for organized international associative congresses; an important number for one Mice industry (acronym which stands for Meetings, Incentives, Conferences & Exhibitions) which could vary by the end of the year, but which highlights a positive trend in our country and which bases its action on values ​​such as collaboration and the dissemination of knowledge, aimed at to create a virtuous connection between scientific progress and the economic and social repercussions that associative conferences are able to generate for the purpose of promoting a knowledge-based society.

“The Mice is experiencing a strong characterization, even leaving the plaster cast of the sector and entering with flexible locations, outside the traditional destinations and with incursions into the culture of the places. The meeting industry is restarting after the shock wave of recent years however, it paradoxically gave us a bold forward outlook on the future, a vision, a common perspective and the desire to stand firm and united to form a team.The sector has shown confidence and the ability to readapt to new scenarios, so that Italy is ready to reposition themselves with creativity and protagonism. The close collaboration between professionals and the academic world with a project designed to capitalize on Italian academic excellence helps to accelerate the growth processes of the Italian tourist offer for the benefit of all related industries” claims the CEO Enit Ivana Jelinic.

“The success of this second edition – he comments Carlotta Ferrari, President of CB Italy – fills us with satisfaction above all for the commitment of our Ambassadors of intellectual capital. With Italian knowledge leaders we are preparing to establish that unprecedented and synergistic connection of the associative world with the meeting Industry and the Italian institutions, the pivot of a collaboration so longed for over the last few years and which is finally becoming a reality”.

“The meeting industry supply chain – declares the Enit director Sandro Pappalardo – is central to Enit in relaunching tourism in Italy. Through this initiative we are focusing above all on the associative segment, which represents a substantial percentage share of the sector, and is a source of economic and social growth but also an opportunity for cultural growth”.

“The growth in value of tourism – he comments Maria Elena Rossi marketing director Enit – also passes through the ability to attract knowledge and skills and to enhance Italian excellence in the field of knowledge and science at an international level”
