Tourism, CNA: September driven by foreigners, turnover of over 6 billion

Tourism CNA September driven by foreigners turnover of over 6

(Telestock) – Over six billion euros. This is the amount of expenses that the more than 8.5 million foreign tourists expected in Italy for the current month of September will sustain. A record. This is estimated by a survey by CNA Turismo e Commercio, which shows the significant and growing weight of the international component on the Italian leisure industry. A component that has become essential and that with its contribution could make September the fourth golden month of summer 2024.

The survey by CNA Tourism and Commerce reports that foreign presences this year could reach 32 million compared to less than 30 million recorded in 2023, thanks to the increase in overnight stays. Olthree that in absolute terms, in fact, the growth is also recorded in the average stays per tourist, which has reached just under four nights per capita, to be precise 3.7.

But how will they spend these six billion euros? foreign tourists in our country? At the top of the list of expenses is accommodation, with hotel stays always at the top of the list and non-hotel stays on the rise. Next come expenses for food and wine, shopping, experiences and transportation.

The destinations will be dominated, unchallenged, by cities and villages of art, followed by the sea and spa resorts further away. As for origin, in Europe it will be the Germans leading with the British and Northern Europeans. From outside Europe there is a boom in Americans with tourists from the Far East in their wake.
