Tourism, CNA: 15 million on vacation between Easter and Easter Monday

Tourism CNA 15 million on vacation between Easter and Easter

(Finance) – Summer trials for millions of vacationers who will take advantage of Easter to unplug and enjoy a few days of relaxation, never so expected after close to the pandemic.

In detail, they will be 15 million the Italians and foreigners that in the bridges of April they will travel to our country for an overall cost of around 5.5 billion. An investigation by Cna Tourism and Commerce conducted among its associates throughout Italy.

In the Easter and the 25 April ten million Italians will limit themselves to day trips or go to family homes. But over five million tourists intend to stay overnight in accommodation facilities for at least one night. And of these more than one and a half million will be foreigners.

“The average overnight stay – according to Cna Turismo e Commercio – is expected between two and three nights for Italian vacationers, between three and four nights for foreigners. Tourists from abroad will arrive mainly from continental Europe, the United Kingdom, the USA and Canada“.
