Tougher punishment for drug deals worth millions

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Last spring, a 35-year-old man was sentenced to eight years in prison for, among other things, particularly serious drug offences, serious doping offences, money laundering offenses and breaches of the Medicines Act. The man is considered to have been the leader of a large drug operation, which, according to the police, has sold drugs to around 5,000 people, the newspaper writes.

The leader’s crony, a man in his 30s, was sentenced to seven years and six months in prison for, among other things, particularly serious drug offenses and serious doping offences.

Both appealed the verdict and now the Court of Appeal stiffens the sentence and adds six months each to the men’s sentences, to eight years and six months and eight years in prison, respectively.

The Court of Appeal also chooses to convict a woman in her 60s who was acquitted in the district court of, among other things, particularly serious drug offenses and serious doping offences. The penalty is eight months in prison, writes Bohusläningen.

In addition to the two leaders of the organization, this spring the district court sentenced three more men, in their 20s, 40s and 60s, for participation in drug sales. The penalties were imprisonment for between two years and six months, and seven years.

Two women, in their 30s and 60s, were also given suspended sentences and daily fines for serious money laundering offences.
