Tougher grip on schools when SD wants to become a school party

Tougher grip on schools when SD wants to become a



full screen The Sweden Democrats’ party leader Jimmy Åkesson is first out in this year’s edition of Almedalen. Here he is on his way to early morning interviews on Tuesday morning. Photo: Anders Wiklund/TT

The Sweden Democrats want to focus on school policy, alongside migration and law and justice.

– The school issue is to a large extent a reasonable continuation of the debates we have already won. We have won the debates about migration policy and crime. Now we also intend to win the debate about the school, says party leader Jimmie Åkesson from Almedalen to SVT.

Like the other policy areas, SD chooses a “harder take” line also in schools. The focus should be studying.

– It is the messy students who should be shown out of the classroom and not the tidy ones, says Åkesson.

The party also thinks that students who do not know Swedish well enough, or who do not meet the other knowledge requirements, should be allowed to repeat the school year.

With the orientation, SD takes up the fight with the Liberals, who have traditionally focused on school issues.

– We are a big party, unlike the Liberals. And we think that a large party needs to take the lead in this very important issue for Sweden’s future, says Åkesson to SVT.
