Touadéra succeeds Biya at the head of the Conference of Heads of State

President Touaderas speech has tensed the political climate

Clap end Friday, March 17 in the evening in Yaoundé, Cameroon, for the conference of heads of state of the Economic Community of Central African States (Cemac). Before the next meeting scheduled in Bangui, the Central African President Faustin-Archange Touadéra, according to the rules of alphabetical order, took over from his Cameroonian counterpart Paul Biya at the head of the Conference of Heads of State of CEMAC.

Several issues were on the menu for discussion at this first face-to-face CEMAC meeting since the start of the Covid-19 pandemic. Finally, concerning the currency of the CFA francno conclusion has been drawn for the moment: the discussions will continue at the level of the finance ministers of the community.

With regard to the economic consequences of the war in Ukraine, the Heads of State welcome the measures ” exceptional taken by CEMAC member states. Measures that have mitigated the impact of this crisis. They also reiterate the importance of continuing the post-Covid-19 economic recovery plan “.

It should also be noted that the participants of this summit congratulated the President of Chad for the ” quality of transition management ” and have ” encouraged Mahamat Idriss Déby to pursue the implementation of the process until its completion “.

If the summit has closed without knowing the name of the successor of Daniel Ona Ondo to the presidency of the CEMAC Commission, on the other hand, the transfer of power at the head of the Conference of Heads of State of the institution did take place between the Cameroonian President, Paul Biya, and his Central African counterpart, Faustin – Archangel Touadera. The capital Bangui will also host the next session of the Conference of Heads of State of CEMAC.
