Totally painless! She got rid of the mass in her breast without surgery

Totally painless She got rid of the mass in her

In order to protect their health, women need to be conscious about their breast health and regularly check their breasts. Breast lumps can also cause anxiety in women. Although breast masses, which are usually removed by surgery, cause uneasiness, the treatment method may vary depending on the type of mass. The mass in the breast of a patient in Tekirdağ was destroyed by local anesthesia with nitrogen injection at minus 170 degrees. While this treatment method was applied to the breast mass without the need for the patient’s operating table and without any pain, the patient treated on the stretcher said, “I don’t feel anything. I feel like I’m wearing make-up.”


Cryoablation method, a process in which extreme cold is applied to destroy the mass tissue in the patient’s breast, was performed for the first time in Turkey. The cryoablation method was performed using hollow needles through which cooled, thermally conductive fluids were circulated. In this treatment method, which is applied for the first time in Turkey by a surgeon, the patient is treated without the need for an operating table and without any pain. After the procedure, the patient was discharged without the need for hospitalization.



prof. Dr. Sibel Özkan Gürdal said in her statement, “Cryoablation was performed for the first time in our country for breast masses. Cryoblation is a method that has been used in tumors in the liver and bone, and is also used in our country. We applied it for the first time in our country for breast masses. It is a method applied abroad in both benign breast tumors and breast cancers. With this case, we want to start the application in both benign breast tumors and breast cancers in our country. The procedure is under local anesthesia, we do not give any anesthesia to the patient, we do not take him to the operating room. He doesn’t even need to be hospitalized. We do a local anesthetic, through which only this probe will pass. Other than that, I wasn’t expecting this much. ‘Our patient had no pain all the time. I don’t feel anything. She said things like, ‘I feel like I’m wearing make-up. He felt no pain. We only do this with local anesthesia. This cryoablation freezes up to minus 170 masses. It traps the mass inside. After a week, we will follow the mass with intermittent checks after 3 weeks. In 2 years, we will see that the mass disappears completely. It disappears by itself. Normally, they are benign tumors of the breast.


prof. Dr. Gürdal continued his statement, “But we have to prove that it is a fibroadenoma. We do a biopsy first. We’re proving that this isn’t cancer, it’s fibroadenoma. After that, we move on to this treatment. If cancer occurs, then we cannot apply this method for every patient. But in selected cases, we can start to apply this method as well. This method continues to be used in the world. There is an ongoing study in selected cases in cancer. This is an important study, the results of which are actually waiting for the whole world. Here, the application continues in patients over 63 years of age with tumors less than one and a half centimeters, especially in patients with comorbidities, in cases where general anesthesia may be problematic, and in tumors where the biological properties of the tumor are better. It can be done all over the world right now,” he said.
