TotalEnergies will lead the floating LNG terminal project in Le Havre

TotalEnergies will lead the floating LNG terminal project in Le

While Russia is reducing its gas supplies to European countries, France wants to take the road to independence with a floating LNG carrier project in Le Havre.

He is baptized Cape Ann. This 300-meter building is one of the two FSRU (floating regasification unit) vessels of the TotalEnergies group, which the public authorities have chosen as a new import point for liquefied natural gas (LNG) in Le Havre.

This project is part of the “energy sovereignty” component of the package of emergency measures on purchasing power adopted yesterday by the Senate, while the energy showdown between Moscow and the West since the start of the conflict in Ukraine has led to a crisis in the supply of natural gas throughout Europe. France, which is supplied today by four LNG import port terminals (two in Fos-sur-Mer, one in Montoir de Bretagne, and one in Dunkirk), wanted to secure this supply with a new terminal.

Shale gas

The TotalEnergie vessel will be able to inject “ about 10% of annual French consumption “indicates the prefecture of Seine-Maritime, from LNG carriers which will come to supply it with gas coming in particular from Norway, Qatar, Algeria or even the United States, major producers of shale gas, a recovered gas by hydraulic fracturing.

However, the technique of hydraulic fracturing, which pollutes water, and the exploitation of shale gas have been prohibited in France since laws of 2011 and 2017. We are already importing shale gas “, defended the Minister of Energy Transition during the examination of the bill by the Senate on Friday July 29, because the “ hydraulic fracturing is used today in most onshore fields in the world, including in Russia for that matter “.

But LNG, she recalled, is “ a liquid device that brings together different liquids carried by different trucks or different blowjobwhich are collected abroad and end up in a boat “. One cannot distinguish between the different types of gas. molecule by molecule “, insisted the minister. ” I think it interests a lot of people that there is absolutely no transparency on the type of gas that arrives in the boat “retorted an environmental senator.

War economy »

For Didier Julienne, expert in natural resources, this situation of energy crisis from which France wants to extract itself makes it take incoherent decisions both at the environmental level and at the level of the country’s energy independence. ” It is a real French contradiction that has been undermined by the war. Lwar economy refutes all theories that were based on an ideology Or on a politic to replace them with the only emergency “, he observes.

The job of the LNG terminal will be to restore liquid material to its gaseous state by heating it. The installation will make it possible to inject into the network up to 5 billion cubic meters of natural gas, i.e. 60% of France’s imports from Russia in 2021. Almost half of the natural gas supply is provided by LNG carriers.

Everyone has understood that gas is a temporary resource, which will still be used for years, but which will give way, either to renewables or to nuclear. “, also believes Didier Julienne. “ It is quite possible that Europe will operate in the future with two sources of energy, renewables and nucleartwo low-carbon energies that are essential at theindustrial and energetic future ” from the continent.

The quay development work carried out by the company TotalEnergies and GRTgaz is supposed to start in the fall of 2022, with the start of activity planned for 2023.
