Total stop for spending on Northvolt

Total stop for spending on Northvolt


  • Total stop for spending on Northvolt

    During Friday, the battery company Northvolt announced that there is a total stop to all expenses, reports The north.

    The order must have been issued internally and applies to the entire company in Sweden, Germany, Poland and Canada.

    The announcement has caused concern among employees in Skellefteå.

    – The feeling is that not even the managers know how bad it really is. It is probably only the absolute top that knows, says an employee to the newspaper.

    Earlier this week, the company announced that it was conducting a “strategic review of operations” due to a challenging financial situation.


  • Boy hit by car

    A ten-year-old boy has been hit by a car in Malmö, the police say.

    An ambulance has been called to the scene. According to the police, the boy should be awake and talkative.

  • Fire in industrial area

    Emergency services have been alerted to a fire in a workshop in an industrial area in Järfälla, north of Stockholm.

    Police, emergency services, ambulance and ambulance helicopter are on site.

    – We have several resources and management in place at the moment. There has been a strong development of smoke, says Fredrik Hilmersson, line operator at the rescue service.

    There is no information on the state of the damage.

  • Fire in villa in Stureby

    A fire has broken out in a villa in Stureby in southern Stockholm.

    Several stations from the rescue service are on site.

    – There is a fire in an inner wall of the house. We don’t know if it’s an electrical fire, but we’re on site and putting it out, says rescue service line operator Marie Nordahl.

    No one should be injured after the fire.

  • Three in collision at intersection – one to hospital

    Two passenger cars with three people have collided at an intersection in Norrköping, write NT.

    One person has been taken to hospital for a check-up.

    The extent of the injuries is unclear, but everyone is said to be awake and talking.

  • The police have seized weapons that may belong to the bonus prince

    The scandals surrounding Crown Princess Mette-Marit’s son Marius Borg Høiby continue.

    Around ten police officers raided a mountain cabin on Friday evening where they arrested the Norwegian bonus prince Marius Borg Høiby.

    According to information to Se og Hør, the police then searched the house and found weapons.

    Read more here.

  • Marius Borg Høiby – released after arrest

    Crown Princess Mette-Marit’s 27-year-old son Marius Borg Høiby was arrested on Friday evening.

    Shortly after 2 pm on Saturday, however, the “bonus prince’s” defense announced that he has been released. This is announced by Norwegian TV2.

    Read more here.

  • SSU members leave the board

    The two SSU members who were on Kombispel’s board are leaving, they state in an email to Aftonbladet.

    This after the Social Democrats called on all board members to resign following DN’s disclosure of the company’s unethical sales methods towards the elderly.

    Read more about the scandal here.

  • Woman dead in drowning accident

    A 75-year-old woman has died after a drowning accident in Värmland, it writes NWT.

    It was during the Friday morning that the accident occurred at the Göteborgsudden in Karlstad.

    At 1pm on Saturday, the police announced that a woman had died.

  • Moscow: Over 200 prisoners of war exchanged

    Exchanged Ukrainian prisoners of war will be received on their return to Ukraine on Friday. Photo: Office of the President of Ukraine via AP/TT

    103 prisoners of war from each side have been exchanged between Russia and Ukraine, according to the Ministry of Defense in Moscow.

    The Russian soldiers are said to have been captured during Ukraine’s ongoing offensive against Russian Kursk.

    The agreement was negotiated with the help of the United Arab Emirates.

    Already on Friday, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky announced that 49 Ukrainian prisoners of war had returned from Russia. Among them were Ukrainians captured in connection with the siege of the Azovstal steel plant in Mariupol in 2022.

    – I’m finally home, I can’t believe it, said 28-year-old commander Tamara Miroshnikova to AFP.

  • Ann Heberlein leaves the Moderates

    Ann Heberlein is leaving the Moderates and the assignment as chief of staff and budget for the party in Region Skåne. Archive image. Photo: Staffan Löwstedt/SvD/TT

    Ann Heberlein is leaving the Moderates and the assignment as chief of staff and budget for the party in Region Skåne with immediate effect, she writes on social media.

    According to her, there is a lack of mutual trust and that she has been limited in her opportunities to think, think and write freely.

    In the post on Facebook, she highlights that for a long time she has felt “increasingly uncomfortable” with the Moderates’ politics and highlights the cooperation with the Sweden Democrats. Above all, it is the party’s regional priorities that have made her uncomfortable.

    “There are no proposals, no visions, no power to act,” she writes.

  • Gaza: Eleven from the same family killed in attack

    Israeli soldiers at destroyed buildings in the Gaza Strip on September 13. Photo: Leo Correa/AP/TT

    Eleven people belonging to the same family have been killed in an Israeli attack on Gaza City on Saturday morning, the country’s civil defense says.

    Among the dead are four children and three women, according to spokesman Mahmud Bassal. Several more people remain in the rubble of the bombed-out house, which is said to be near a school in the Tuffah district.

    – Rescue workers continue to search for the missing, says Bassal.

    Israel has not commented on the attack on Tuffah.

    During the night to Saturday, at least ten more people have been killed in Israeli attacks on various locations in the Gaza Strip, the civil defense says.

  • Marius Borg Høiby arrested again

    Princess Mette-Marit’s son Marius Borg Høiby has been arrested again, according to information VG.

    The Norwegian police did not want to comment on the information.

    Read more here.

  • Person injured in a workplace accident in Western Sweden

    One person has been injured in a workplace accident in western Sweden. According to initial information, a person was said to have fallen from a skylift. But later the police announced that this is not the case.

    – We are on the scene, the extent of the damage is unclear, said police spokesperson August Brandt shortly after the alarm that came via SOS around half past eleven.

    The person must have been taken to hospital by ambulance helicopter.

    – It is some kind of workplace accident. We are there and assist the ambulance, says Ulrik Olsson, officer on duty at the rescue service.

  • Man masturbating in a square in Stockholm – arrested by police

    At 8.30 on Saturday morning, the police were alerted that a man was masturbating in the middle of the square at Gullmarsplan in Stockholm.

    He was able to be arrested by the patrol and taken in for questioning.

    A report of sexual harassment has been made.

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