TOSFED President Üçlertoprağı: “Istanbul Park was liberated from occupation”

TOSFED President Uclertopragi Istanbul Park was liberated from occupation

TOSFED President Eren Üçlertoprağı made a statement on his personal Instagram account. in sharing“Istanbul Park was saved from occupation,” he said.

Eren Üçlertoprağı, president of the Turkish Automobile Sports Federation (TOSFED), “Istanbul Park was saved from occupation” He made his post after the track was acquired from Intercity. Intercity vacated the runway and the company’s signs were completely removed. There have been many developments for Istanbul Park recently. For example, last week published in Hürriyet In the news, it was stated that after the completion of the tender process of the Istanbul Park land in Tuzla, where the Formula 1 track is located, all eyes turned to the developments regarding the re-organization of the F1 races in Turkey, which was a condition in the tender. The Turkish Automobile Sports Federation (TOSFED) and the company that won the tender agree that Intercity’s failure to evacuate the track, whose lease agreement expires in 2023, makes it difficult for Turkey to host F1. While Intercity does not make a clear statement about the eviction process, it reminds us of the clause in the tender specifications that ‘the new tenant must sign with the F1 management within 30 days for the race to be held in Istanbul’. On this subject, TOSFED President Üçlertoprağı said, “It is not possible to sign a contract with F1 without evacuating the track” he said.


Only Can Bilim Eğitim Kurumları AŞ entered the runway tender held in the past months and became the new tenant of the Istanbul Park land for 30 years. Making a statement on behalf of the company, Lale Cender stated in her statement to Habertürk on Monday, May 6, that the new contract was signed, “The track and its land should be delivered to us tomorrow” he said and added: “Every day that the delivery of the track is delayed takes Formula 1 away from us. We are striving for the 2026 calendar, but we are having difficulty moving forward due to this incredible usurpation. But now I believe that this problem will be solved within a week.”

The latest statement from Intercity Park on this subject is directly as follows: had happened: “According to the specifications of the Intercity Istanbul Park tender held by the General Directorate of Foundations on April 2, 2024, the Formula 1 racing contract must be signed within 1 month after the rental agreement of the track is signed. The contract to be signed with the Formula 1 side has nothing to do with the delivery of the facility. Based on the tender specifications and the statements of the parties, it is clear that the deadline for signing the Formula 1 contract is June 6, 2024.

The statements of those who want to hide their own flaws and incompetence are just manipulation. Of course, we wholeheartedly want the Formula 1 races, all costs and organization of which are carried out by Intercity itself, to come back for 30 years for 2 years in a row. Like the whole of Turkey, we, too, want the Formula 1 contract to be signed by June 6, 2024, according to the tender specifications. Otherwise, we expect the tender to be cancelled.”
