TOSEF; “accidents reveal care failure”

TOSEF accidents reveal care failure

TOSEF Secretary General Hakkı Urfa touched upon the important points in heavy commercial vehicles after the recent accidents.

All Auto Service Federation TOSEF has made important statements regarding the technical reasons for the sad accidents that have occurred in the past days. found. It was noted that the average age of the heavy commercial vehicle park in our country is 17, and that the old and high mileage heavy commercial vehicles tend to produce alternative maintenance solutions due to the high maintenance costs. Expressing that the vehicles causing the accident were heavy vehicles raises another question, the Secretary General of the Federation, Hakkı Urfa, drew attention to the frequency of maintenance and the condition of the tires on the vehicles.


TOSEF highlights equipment and maintenance periods

Expressing that brake maintenance is of critical importance in heavy commercial vehicles, Urfa underlined that the quality of spare parts is also ignored. Urfa; “In the statements made, it is important to use the phrase “Brake is released” for the vehicle that caused the accident, especially in our Mardin province. Here, special attention should be paid to how often brake maintenance is performed in heavy vehicles and the quality of spare parts used in brake components. In addition, the standard of the brake maintenance services and the competencies of the technicians working in these services should be checked. It should be ensured that technicians working in our country quickly complete their professional competence certificates, and technicians who are not competent to complete their training and receive this certificate. Timely maintenance of all vehicles, especially heavy vehicles, will prevent such grievous cases from occurring.” said.

“Passenger buses should be taken into constant care just like airplanes”

Stating that passenger buses are also circulating in traffic without maintenance, Urfa stated that a separate parenthesis should be opened and examined for these vehicles; “Passenger buses, like passenger planes, should be taken into maintenance at certain times and should go on a flight after maintenance. Due to increasing inflation and global supply problems recently, the prices of spare parts used in vehicles have increased significantly. This situation forces vehicle owners to produce alternative solutions. If we continue with the brake example, especially in heavy vehicles, the brake pads should be replaced with shoes, while repairs made by replacing the pads on the existing shoes, which are less costly, pose a risk as an unhealthy and non-standard repair technique.

In addition, vehicles that undergo brake maintenance and whose brake pads are changed during these maintenance must pass the brake test. However, I can’t help but say that the number of standard services that can perform these tests is quite low. It should not be forgotten that the tires of all wheeled vehicles are also a major factor in accidents. Not using the right tires in the right season, and the tread depths of the tires being below the limits, are one of the biggest factors that cause accidents as they extend the braking distance.” ended his statement.
