Bob Bailey, Progressive Conservative candidate in Sarnia-Lambton, Says He’s Not Tooking Part in All-Candidates Meetings During the Ontario Election Campaign.

Bob Bailey, Progressive Conservative candidate in Sarnia-Lambton, Says He’s Not Tooking Part in All-Candidates Meetings During the Ontario Election Campaign.
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Bailey, Who Has Held the Riding Sale 2007, Said by Email He Decided to Focus Intetead on “Going Door to Door, Hosting Public Events, and Meeting People. . . In the Community. ”
All-Candidates Debates Consume “A Tremendous Ament of Campaign Time,” He Said.
“Over the race of my previous five Campaigns, the noticed fewer regular folks waiting these meetings,” Bailey Said. “More Often than not, you are speaking Almost exclusively to volunteers and supporters for each of the candidates.”
Bailey Said He Took Part in Two All-Candidates Events During the 2022 Campaign and Declined Invitations from About “A Half Dozen” Others.
“When I Talk to Someone One on one, I’m not limited to a Two-Minute Opening Stament and a One-Minute Response to question,” He Said. “I Enjoy Talking to People One On One and Learning about What’s important to them.”
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George Dickenson, Who is helping organize area all-candidates meetings for the Lambton Federation of Agriculture, Said He’s disappointed: “As a constitute, it Bothers me.”
It’s like Someone Applying for A Job and Not Showing Up for the Interview, He Said. “Probably, they are not going to get the job.”
The Federation is Holding A Sarnia-Lambton All-Candidates Meeting on Feb. 19at 7 pm, at the fairgroups in Brigden. It’s also working with Neighbouring Federations to Organize One for Lambton-Kent-Middlesex on Feb. 20 AT 7 PM at the Arena in Alvinston.
Dickenson Said Steve Pinsonneault, Who is running again after Winning Lambton-Kent-Middlesex for the PCS in a May 1, 2024, byelection, Declined an Invitation to the Alvinston Event.
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There has been a good responsible from other candidates in the sarnia-lambton race, Dickenson Said.
Bailey Said it was his decision, not his party’s, to skip all-candidates meetings this campaign
“We Thought this was the best use of our resources considering How Short the Campaign was and the Shrinking Interest in All-Candidate Meetings,” Bailey Said.
Dickenson Said A Federation All-Candidates Meeting During Last Year’s Lambton-Kent-Middlesex Byelelection Drew An Audience of More than 100.
“That’s telling us they are interested,” he Said.
The Sarnia-Lambton Chamber of Commerce and the Rotary Club of Sarnia Are Holding An All-Candidates Session, included a $ 22 lunch, at the Dante Club, Feb. 18. Visit for regstation information.
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Chamber Ceo Carrie McEachran Said She’s disappointed Bailey Won’t Be there.
“It would have been valuable to hear directly from the person who has represents us at queen’s park for the past many years,” mceachran said. “That Said, this also present in important opportunity for the other candidates to share their platforms and vision.”
Election Day is Feb. 27.
Thursday was the deadline for candidates to register.
According to election Ontario’s website, candidates in Sarnia-Lambton include Bailey, Keith Benn Running for the New Blue Party, Jacques Boudreau for the Libertarian Party, Nathan Colquhoun Running as an Independent, Mark Lamore for the Ontario Party, Pamela Reid for the Green Party of Ontario, Tom Stoukas for the Populist Party Ontario, Rachel Willsie for the Ontario Liberal Party and Candace Young for the Ontario NDP.