(Finance) – Torre Sgra company active in the management of mutual real estate investment funds, has communicated that, as of 31 December 2024, the value of the overall net assets (Nav) of “Opportunities” Opportunities “ It is equal to 90,451,933 euros compared to 97,286,594 euros to 31 December 2023, with a decrease variation of 6,834,661 euros (-7.03%). This variation is due exclusively by the loss of the period.
From 27 January 2014, the start date of OPI, until 31 December 2024, the FIA reimbursed a total of 26,786,526 euros (463.867 euros per quota) of which 3,066,876 euros as income (53.109 euros per share) and 23,719,650 euros as partial reimbursement of pro-quota (410.758 per share). The Internal performance rate of the FIA is equal to -2.06%
In light of the Estimation of the independent expertthe value of the properties of the FIA amounts to 70,241,000 euros (compared to 116,610,000 euros to 31 December 2023) while the value of real estate participation in TMALL RE is equal to a total of 2,171,961 euros (compared to 2,388,567 euros at 31 December 2023).
There liquidity available It amounts to 14,560,811 euros (7,469,250 euros to 31 December 2023). On 31 December 2024, the debt on the loan, which had been paid by MPS On 12 December 2018, following the divestments that took place during 2024, it is fully extinct.
The Board of Directors approved, considering the imminent expiry of the fund and the partial reimbursement of the pro-quota already paid in January 2025 for a total of 12 million euros, of do not proceed with further equity distributions.