Toronto woman charged in connection to thefts in Chatham

Man charged with domestic offenses

A 40-year-old Toronto woman is facing numerous charges in connection to two theft incidents in Chatham.

Chatham-Kent police said the accused went to a St. Clair Street business in Chatham around 3:20 pm Friday and allegedly stole approximately $250 worth of items.

The accused also attended a gas station on Park Avenue East in Chatham and allegedly stole $20 worth of gas, police said.

The woman was identified through video surveillance and police learned through investigation the accused was allegedly operating a motor vehicle reported stolen from Milton and had outstanding warrants for her arrest, police said.

The accused was located on Charing Cross Road in Raleigh Township with the motor vehicle and was arrested and the vehicle was seized, police said.

She was charged with two counts of theft under $5000, two counts of possession of property obtained by crime under $5,000, one count of possession of property obtained by crime over $5,000, driving while under suspension, possession of a controlled substance, and failing to comply with a release order.

Police said she was held in custody pending a bail hearing.

Toronto woman accused of stealing vehicle from Chatham business

A 40-year-old Toronto woman is accused of vehicle theft in connection to a 2011 mint green Ford Focus that was stolen from a business on King Street West in Chatham on Saturday afternoon.

Later in the day, police said the accused and stolen motor vehicle were located in Toronto after being involved in a single motor vehicle collision.

The woman was arrested by the Toronto Police Service and held in custody pending a bail hearing.

The accused was charged by the Chatham-Kent police with theft of a motor vehicle, possession of property obtained by crime under $5,000, drive while under suspension, dangerous operation of a motor vehicle, mischief under $5,000, and failing to comply with release order.

Wallaceburg man charged with driving offenses

A 22-year-old Wallaceburg man is facing charges after being pulled over while driving on St. Clair Street in Chatham around 9 pm Saturday night.

Police learned the man was driving while under a court order not to be behind the wheel.

The accused was charged with charged with operation while prohibited and five counts of drive while under suspension. The motor vehicle was impounded for 45 days, police said.

Shotgun shells stolen

Chatham-Kent police are investigating a break-in after a hunting bag with approximately 25 shotgun shells was stolen after a garage was entered on Roy Street in Wallaceburg sometime overnight Saturday.

Anyone with information is asked to contact Const. Kyle Blommers at [email protected] or 519-436-6600 ext. 87286.

Pickup truck stolen

Chatham-Kent police are investigating the theft of a red GMC Sierra pickup truck.

Police said the vehicle was stolen from a Ridgetown residence sometime between 10 pm Thursday and 1 pm Friday.

The vehicle was later recovered on Kennesserie Road by police.

Anyone with information is asked to contact Const. Adam Van Kesteren at [email protected] or 519-436-6600 ext. 87188. Anonymous calls can also be made to Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-TIPS (8477).


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