Topi Raitanen and his partners were left out of the SC cross-country races due to a treacherous route – pre-favorite Mustafe Muuse immediately broke his ankle

Topi Raitanen and his partners were left out of the

The race route of the SC terrains in Paloheinä, Helsinki, did not get much popularity from the Finnish elite before the start of the Games. Many left because of the demanding terrain. In the games, we immediately saw the injury of the pre-favorite.

The route of the SC cross-country has often aroused discussion among Finnish runners. This time, however, the route of the SC competitions run in the spring received a lot of attention even before the games, when the terrains are run in Helsinki’s Paloheinä.

Back in May, there was skiing in the area, now in Paloheinä a race is run on the same terrain. Several of Finland’s top runners withdrew from the competitions in advance. The reason was the demanding and even treacherous terrain, which is not a smooth outdoor route as often in the past.

– I don’t want to take any risks before the upcoming track races. The cross-country route will be demanding, with lots of uneven ground and steep hills. In the fall, such a race would have suited me perfectly, but not just before the important track season, the European steeplechase champion Top Raitanen justified his withdrawal before the weekend in the press release of the Finnish Sports Association.

In addition to Raitanen, the men’s top guard missed the men’s short trip Eemil Helander and Santtu Heikkinen. Helander justified his absence by wanting to save his capricious Achilles tendons on the demanding course. Heikkinen has also suffered from a minor muscle injury, and did not want to risk himself.

For the most part, the route is described as rough, grassy or grassy. However, the spring weather has turned the terrain into a deceptively muddy part, and on the serpentine road this guarantees its own dangerous spots.

Championship terrains are run in Finland in the spring, just when many runners are preparing for the smooth surface summer race season. This has aroused criticism in sports circles, as the timing just cuts off the country’s best from the cross-country competitions due to the possible risk of injury.

“Can be seen quite clearly in the videos”

On Sunday, at the games, one of Finland’s top runners was immediately injured. Turku Sports Association Mustafa Muuse twisted his ankle in the black grass while running in the top three of the men’s 10 km race. Muuse had to stop the competition.

– I had a good feeling about the race and my chips were clear. I knew that the route was difficult and that’s why I shouldn’t push too hard. Then, two laps before the end, my leg twisted in that bog. It can certainly be seen quite clearly in the videos, Muuse told Urheilui in Paloheinä with his ankle wrapped.

You can see the situation and Muuse’s interview from the main picture of the story.

According to Muuse, it is the same ankle that had bothered him earlier at the US training camp.

– There was so much adrenaline in my blood that I didn’t feel the situation right away. Then it started to bother me and I tried my best to stop, Muuse described.

In the end, Lahten Ahkeran ran to win the race Ossi Kekki. In the women’s 10 km distance, the team representing Lapland Lukko ran as the winner Johanna Peiponen.

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