Top military officer no longer suspected of gross unauthorized position with secret mission

The man and his partner were arrested on October 17 last year. Until mid-December, they were both also in custody.

Now the prosecutor announces that the man has been removed from the investigation. According to the prosecutor, only the woman is now a suspect in the case.

– The preliminary investigation against the man has been closed today. The preliminary investigation against the woman who was detained at the same time on suspicion of the same crime is still ongoing, says senior prosecutor Mats Ljungqvist at the National Security Unit in a press release.

The matter is handled by the Security Police.

The lawyer: Expected

The man’s lawyer, Thomas Olsson, says that the announcement was expected.

– That was the result we sought and expected sooner or later already when the investigation began, he says.

How did your client react when the news came?

– He naturally thinks it’s nice that it’s over, says Thomas Olsson.
