Top Gun 3 is coming and the news gets even better

Top Gun 3 is coming and the news gets even

Just a few days ago, Top Gun: Maverick celebrated its free TV premiere on German television and impressed with over two hours adrenaline-charged flying action. At the end of the broadcast, many fans had one question: Does the story continue? Now we finally have the answer: Top Gun 3 is coming!

Lead actor Tom Cruise, who appeared in 1986 as Capt. Pete “Maverick” Mitchell appeared on the big screen, but has remained tight-lipped about a third Top Gun film. Thanks to well-connected Hollywood insider Matthew Belloni, we now know that Paramount is the Working on Top Gun 3 initiated.

Tom Cruise returns in Top Gun 3, bringing back Miles Teller and Glen Powell from Maverick

In his newsletter at Puck, Belloni unpacks the first details about Top Gun 3, as reported by the Hollywood Reporter. Cruise takes on the familiar Maverick role again in the sequel. At his side: Miles Teller (Divergent) and Glen Powell (Where the Lie Falls), who as important characters in the second part were introduced.

You can watch the trailer for Top Gun: Maverick here:

Top Gun: Maverick – Trailer 3 (German) HD

Ehren Kruger also returns as screenwriter from the predecessor. The best news However, there is still more to come: director Joseph Kosinski is also back on board. He made a name for himself through stylish science fiction films like Tron: Legacy and Oblivion. Since Top Gun: Maverick he has been part of Hollywood’s action Olympus.

Kosinski is a key factor in why Top Gun: Maverick has become a phenomenal blockbuster. After Tony Scott directed the original, Paramount secured another in Kosinski visionary action directorwho knows how to capture powerful movements on the screen without compromise.

Joseph Kosinski is the key to revitalizing the Top Gun franchise as an exceptional blockbuster

Top Gun: Maverick was not a success because the world waited decades for the very late sequel. Rather, the film was able to do so through its prove gripping designthat as a blockbuster it has something to say and doesn’t fly on autopilot. Cinema hasn’t shaken like this since Mad Max: Fury Road.

Without Cruise, the Top Gun brand is hardly conceivable, no question. But Kosinski is probably responsible for the cinematic aspect of the series be even more important. With his renewed commitment comes the hope that another exceptional blockbuster awaits us with Top Gun 3. Hopefully Lady Gaga will have time for the theme song again.

When does Top Gun 3 with Tom Cruise start in cinemas?

Top Gun 3 won’t be coming to cinemas any time soon. We are only at the very beginning of the project. Cruise is also involved in a few other films, most notably Mission: Impossible 8, which is scheduled to be released in May 2025. Top Gun 3 could only be 2026 or 2027 Take shape when production starts quickly.

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