Top chef reveals how to tell if meat is done right

Top chef reveals how to tell if meat is done

Overcooked, too rare or not enough, the meat can be anything but pleasant to eat if it is not cooked properly. Starred chef Christophe Dufossé reveals his secret to properly cooked meat.

The meat… You can prefer it blue, red, rare, medium or well cooked, but certainly not calcined or raw! Luckily, the starred chef Christophe Dufossé who officiates in the kitchens of the Château de Beaulieu in Busnes, where moreover the black angus beef is magnified in a round of tender tenderloin accompanied by homemade fries, reveals the secret of an unusual trick for do not miss the cooking of your meat without even having to cut it or take out a thermometer.

When cooking, compare the meat with the palm of your hand

The ingenious trick of chef Christophe Dufossé, entrusted to France 3 Nord Pas de Calais, consists of using the palm of the hand to judge the cooking of a piece of meat. After having felt the meat while it is cooking, it is a question of palpating the curved part of the extension of the thumb (called thenar eminence in anatomy) while pressing different fingers according to the cooking of the chosen meat. When the pressure on the meat is similar to the pressure on the base of your thumb muscle, you have the right doneness.

The trick for blue or rare cooking of meat

Press your thumb against your index finger. To the touch, the curved part of the palm hardens slightly while remaining a little soft. Comparing the same resistance with meat, cooking is blue. To obtain perfectly rare meat, this time press your middle finger against your thumb.

The trick for medium or well-done meat

This time press the ring finger on the thumb and feel the curved part of the palm which is firmer. This corresponds to the sensation that meat gives to perfection. To obtain well-cooked meat, this time press the little finger against the thumb.
