Theodore Too teaches visitors about marine industry, Great Lakes

Theodore Too is a big celebrity. Really big.
The 65-foot tugboat, a replica of a boat made famous in a children’s book and TV show, arrived in Port Dover late Tuesday and began accepting visitors on Wednesday morning.
“Theodore is a great draw down to the water’s edge, when he rolls into town. It’s like Shawn Mendes coming in; he’s a big deal. So, if we can work with Theodore and get people excited to come to the water’s edge, we can show them what it’s like to get on a boat.” said Natasha Mackow, chief experience officer for the tug boat attraction, said Wednesday from the Port Dover pier.
“It’s a new generation of Canadians that may not necessarily be exposed to the marine industry, so this is their opportunity to get on a boat and meet a real-life captain and crew on one of the coolest tug boats around and it shows there a lots of career opportunities out there.”
Several people took part in tours of the tugboat on Wednesday.
Theodore Too was built in Halifax in 2000. In 2021 it was purchased by Blair McKeil of McKeil Marine and transported to its new home in Hamilton. The boat has been making its rounds across the province from port to port with the mission to bring children lasting memories and messages of preserving Great Lakes ecology and initiating people to get involved with the marine industry.
Captain Noah Krantz said children can take part in activities such as knot tying and learning how to cast a line in the water, as well as engaging with the rest of the crew.
The tugboat is docked near the town’s museum at 44 Harbor Street and will remain in Port Dover until August 6. People can visit the Theodore Too from 10 am to 4 pm
“The purpose in the summer is for him to engage with communities and go to as many ports as possible. We’re lucky we’re not in a COVID year and water festivals are a plenty,” said Mackow. “We’ve had him since 2021 this is our second season with him and it’s so much better without COVID restrictions.”
Norfolk County, the Port Dover Harbor Museum and the Port Dover branch of the Norfolk County Public Library have planned a variety of events and activities to coincide with the tug’s visit.
The museum is offering kid-friendly activities such as crafts and a scavenger hunt with prizes. The museum is open daily from 10 am to 4 pm Admission is by donation.
Recreation department staff are offering face painting and a coloring contest as well as water safety programs from 10 am to 4 pm on Thursday and Friday.
On Saturday, the Port Dover library will offer up a Theodore Too family event starting at 10:30 am with science-based activities as well as crafts and stories. The library is located at 731 St. George St.
This is Theodore’s second visit to Port Dover. The first visit was last September.