too much for Boris Johnson?

too much for Boris Johnson

The British newspaper The Mirror says this Saturday that aperitifs were organized every Friday in Downing Street during confinement. These revelations lengthen the list of accusations against Prime Minister Boris Johnson

This is one of the images symbols of the rigor of confinements in the United Kingdom: Queen Elizabeth II, dressed all in black up to the mask, sitting alone in the chapel of Windsor Castle during the Prince Philip’s funeral.

Until the early morning of April 17, 2021, the atmosphere was quite different at 10 Downing Street. Prime Minister’s aides – minus Boris Johnson himself – were celebrating the departure of two members of the team, according to The Telegraph. The partygoers, about thirty, had joined in the gardens of the official residence, according to the daily close to the power. A person had been sent to a supermarket to buy bottles of wine which they brought back to Downing Street in a suitcase, he said.

It is deeply regrettable that this took place at a time of national mourning and 10 (Downing Street) has issued an apology to the Palace said a spokesperson for Boris Johnson. At the time, indoor gatherings were banned, with no more than six Britons allowed to meet outside.

Prime Minister aware

But according to The Mirror, this evening was not an isolated event. The British newspaper reports that Boris Johnson encouraged his team to ” release the pressure at the end of the week, during these “Friday aperitifs”. A ” long-standing tradition » which continued despite the introduction of restrictions linked to the Covid and prohibiting this type of meeting. The newspaper adds that the staff had invested in a fridge to keep their bottles of alcohol cool and that the Prime Minister was aware of these gatherings.

A Downing Street spokesperson referred to the findings of an investigation by a senior civil servant who will have to determine whether the Prime Minister and his aides broke the rules during the various events.

But these new revelations add to an already long list of parties organized in circles of power during periods of confinement. They also highlight, according to witnesses quoted in the media, a real drinking culture in Downing Street.

They further sink the head of government who, Covid contact case, has not been seen in public since his my culpa Wednesday in Parliament for his presence at one of these parties in May 2020. He said he then thought it was a work meeting.

Johnson strikes back

Anger is brewing even in the conservative ranks of the Prime Minister. ” For me, Boris Johnson has lost the moral authority to lead the country “Reacted MP Andrew Bridgen this Saturday on SkyNews. Another MP from the same side, Tobias Ellwood, said that if Boris Johnson could not lead by example he had to ” withdraw “. Other Tory parliamentarians testified to receiving a flood of mail from disgruntled voters.

At least five Tory MPs have publicly stated that they had sent letters to the “1922 committee” asking for a vote of no confidence. To dislodge Boris Johnson, they would have to be at least 54 Tory deputies.

Boris Johnson has launched the counterattack designed to hold on to power. Newspapers have reported that his backers have been called upon to tout his achievements, including delivering Brexit, and that some of his aides will be asked to leave.

(With AFP)

