Too many young people abroad, Pisani (National Youth Council): “We share Mattarella’s concerns”

United Kingdom unemployment on the rise in June

(Finance) – “We share the concerns raised by the President of the Republic on the issue of the emigration of young people abroad in search of better job opportunities. There are approximately 337 thousand young people between the ages of 25 and 34 who expatriated between 2012 and 2021, of which over 120 thousand are graduates (36%). The peers repatriated in the same period are 94 thousand, of which 41 thousand graduates. The balance is therefore negative with a net loss of 79 thousand young graduates in ten years. Furthermore, second level graduates who have moved abroad earn, one year after graduation, 1,963 euros net per month, or +41.8% compared to the 1,384 euros they would earn in Italy. The more time passes, the more the gap widens, so much so that, five years after graduation, outside Italy the average net salary is equal to 2,352 euros, a value equal to +47.1% compared to the average Italian 1,599 euros” . The President of the National Youth Council said this, Maria Cristina Pisani, commenting on President Mattarella’s words at the Confindustria Assembly.

“It is a painful and worrying reality that too many young talents feel the need to look elsewhere for what our country is not able to offer them: decent work, fair remuneration and the possibility of professional and personal growth. President Mattarella’s words – continues Pisani – remind us of the importance of ‘social capital’ and investment in young people, who represent the driving force of our country. If we continue to lose boys and girls due to a lack of opportunities or the precariousness of job offers, we risk impoverishing not only our economy but also our culture.”

“The business world has a fundamental responsibility in this scenario. Not only in economic terms, but also in terms of social responsibility. Encouraging and supporting youth employment, with decent working conditions and wages, is essential to building a sustainable future. On behalf of the National Youth Council, we renew our commitment to working side by side with all institutions and businesses to find concrete and sustainable solutions to this challenge. Young people – concludes the President of the CNG – need to be recognised, valued and supported, not only with words, but with concrete actions.”
