This concerns all consumers, regardless of the financial profile.
Banking costs are a whole subject, but it is above all a real concern for the French, because it directly affects their budget on a daily basis. It must be said that with the constant increase in the cost of living, each expenditure counts, and the costs invoiced by banks for often deemed basic services, such as account management or withdrawals abroad, are perceived as a Avoidable load. “I have the impression that too many people pay for nothing or too much of the services after all useless”, Hélène told us, a client. But then, are there today banks that offer more attractive offers?
The consumption, housing and living environment association (CLCV) conducted the investigation into the 2025 banking prices and established a classification of banking establishments with the best prices and those considered to be the most expensive. For this, the banks were first classified from the cheapest to the most expensive, “By retaining their best solution between the subscription of unit services and that of a package, by department and by profile” consumer, can we read in the study. “Then the results were converted to points: from 0 for the best establishment at 100 for the least good. An average of the points per sign, correcting the territorial distortion was calculated.”
In total, three profiles are distinguished: “Small consumer”, “average consumer” and “large consumer”. It is quite logical since the establishments define profiles to adapt their offers and services to the specific needs of each customer, according to their lifestyle, their income and their financial habits. Based on these criteria, a bank in France is distinguished by meeting the needs of the three consumers’ profiles: it is the Crédit Coopératif, elected the cheapest bank by the CLCV association.
In second position, there are several names: the LCL bank, which is particularly interesting for small consumers, the BNP Paribas bank for “average” customers and the agricultural credit which is more attractive for large consumers. In third position, it is La Banque Postale that offers advantageous service baskets for all customers.