Too many people make the mistake, only these precise ingredients are part of the real recipe for gratin dauphinois!

Too many people make the mistake only these precise ingredients

Gratin dauphinois is the ultimate comfort dish in winter. But for it to be successful and very soft, don’t add these ingredients.

With the cold setting in, in the kitchen, we like to concoct good comforting dishes. If raclette, tartiflette, pizza or even couscous are among the French’s favorite dishes this season, gratin dauphinois is not far behind. A traditional dish that is both easy to make and economical that the whole family can enjoy. But you still have to succeed.

Too many people make the mistake of adding a little personal touch, and the result is not always up to par. The famous potato gratin ends up either too dry, too liquid, or grainy. A word of advice: if you want to make your gratin dauphinois a success like in a restaurant, follow the real recipe with only three ingredients. Potatoes of course, garlic and cream, and that’s it. Optionally a little salt, pepper and nutmeg.

In the real recipe, there is no cheese, milk or eggs. Common mistakes include adding cheese at the end of the recipe. The gratin does not come from the cheese. Another piece of advice: don’t replace the cream with the milk to lighten the dish. it will lose its softness. Also forget the eggs, it’s not a flan!

Here is the traditional recipe for gratin dauphinois. It all starts with choosing the potatoes. They must be firm. If they are soft, your gratin will turn into puree. Your choice can be charlotte potatoes, roseval potatoes, or ratte potatoes. You can now move on to making the recipe:

  1. Thinly slice the potatoes (about 2mm thick). The thinner the slices, the softer the gratin will be.
  2. Coat your dish with butter and a clove of garlic.
  3. Preheat the oven to 150 degrees.
  4. Place the potatoes in your dish. Place the washers one after the other. They must overlap.
  5. Mix your semi-thick whole cream with a crushed garlic clove, salt and pepper (and nutmeg optional) and cover your potatoes.
  6. Add a few pats of butter on top.
  7. Opt for slow cooking for 1h30 to 2h in the oven.
  8. Monitor the cooking so that your gratin does not dry out. Don’t hesitate to cover it with a sheet of aluminum foil if it browns too quickly.

More than just to taste. Gratin dauphinois is also a good idea to accompany your festive dishes. With its simple ingredients, it appeals to both young and old around the table.
