Tons of diesel discovered in secret cave

Leksand extended the winning streak beat AIK

Published: Less than 40 min ago

Between 50 and 100 tons of diesel have been discovered during a routine check in a secret rock room in Håbo municipality, reports SVT Nyheter Uppsala.

The rock room was used for the storage of diesel, mainly intended for civilian traffic in the event of a crisis or war, and was put into use as part of the total defense in 1976. In the 1990s it was decommissioned, like many other warehouses in the country.

Sweden’s Geological Survey (SGU), which discovered during an environmental inspection that the diesel was still in the rock room, has now started a cleanup because otherwise there was a risk that the oil would leak into Lake Mälaren, which is a source of groundwater.

– We have to find personnel who have experience of similar clean-ups. Among other things, we use a type of boat that is remotely controlled and travels on the surface to collect the oil, says Jakob Levén, at the Department of Land and Groundwater at SGU, to SVT.
