Tononi (Banco Bpm): there are no prerequisites for dialogue with Unicredit, an anomalous offer

Tononi Banco Bpm there are no prerequisites for dialogue with

(Finance) – “We had many meetings with investors these daysled by the CEO with our CFO both in London and then in Paris and Milan to present a plan that is what we announced three days a very promising behind, absolutely not unrealistic, indeed I would say prudent in its assumptions, on the basis of a 2024 which was absolutely extraordinary for our bank. ” Massimo Tononipresident of Banco bpmon the sidelines of the 31st congress of financial market operators, organized in Turin by Assiom Forex.

To a question if it was also met Credit agriculturalhe said: “I don’t want to comment on individual investors. It is clear that We have a dialogue with agricultural credit, as it is normal to begiven that it is a bank that is not only our shareholder, but with us it has many activities in common both in the credit of consumption and in the insurance. So the dialogue is constant, the relationship has a very distant origin over time, it is consolidated and based on estimation and mutual respect “.

“What we know for sure is that Credit Agricola is very satisfied with the investment made – He added – I think he hit Bpm in the Bpm and about 300 million and today are worth four times more, so it has been a successful investment. He also expressed his intention to climb altitude, in addition to 10%, evidently therefore has reasons for satisfaction from this investment. So we trust that this type of trust that has been created over the years can indicate a road that is that of staying in the independent bank even in the future, which I expect too “.

To a question about what it would take to sit at a table with Unicredit, he replied: “It would take an offer first of all, in the sense that to date the unicredit offer is not such. I consider it a very anomalous offer, because it was discount from the first dayhas always remained such, so there is not much on which to discuss right now. We will see how they will behave weeks to come. On the basis of this we will evaluate whether it is appropriate to have a more in -depth dialogue, To date there are no conditions“.

“All the resolutions we have taken from November onwards, or by the Unicredit offer onwards, were hired unanimously with all the councilors who fully shared our line, including the criticisms that we have legitimately moved to their offer because I don’t consider it an offer – he underlined – consequently it was more than legitimate to criticize its contents“.
