Tonino Benacquista, in the name of the father and of fiction

Tonino Benacquista in the name of the father and of

Despite his literary prizes and another César, there is always in his pupils the concern of an enlightened dunce, who has become a patriot of the language, a lover of words, capable of transforming commedia dell’arte in Commedia misfires.

Well, the Italian family didn’t like it. But, Tonino is the type to rush into Fiction, even when there is family romance in the air. You have certainly cracked on The misdeal of sleeperstrembled with On my lips Where Malvita, bubbled on The ultraeaterr and it does not surprise me. It’s finally quite normal to become a taster subscribed to the drawers of Tonino Benacquista, the all-terrain of success (novel, cinema, comics). I have good news at the beginning of the year, he has just split a 200 pages c/o Gallimard which bears the mark of his ritual origins, in the language of the father. The title Porca Miseria…sorry, scusate.

The musical choices of Tonino Benacquista

Mozart Dom Juan Notte and giorno a faticar

Nino Rota la strada

Adriano Celentano Il Ragazzo Della Via Gluck

Brassens Gastibelza lman to Rifle
