Toni Keränen regrets Oliver Helander’s fate, but says he is completely ready for the European Championships – he had done everything with Munich in mind

Toni Keranen regrets Oliver Helanders fate but says he is

Toni Keränen made her debut in the adult competition at the World Championships in Oregon. Now the place also opened up for the European Championships, because Oliver Helander’s side does not allow throwing.

17:30•Updated 17:38

On Sunday, it was reported that in this season’s European statistics, the one with a result of 89.83 is second Oliver Helander not throwing at the European Championships in Munich. Helander confirmed to Urheilu that he will withdraw due to a rib injury after being injured last weekend in his first throw of the Kaleva Games final.

A 24-year-old will pitch in place of Helander in Munich Toni Keränen, who made his ranking debut in July at the World Championships in Oregon. Then he missed the qualification with a score of 78.52.

Keränen’s record is 82.89, broken in Oulu in June. In the Kaleva Games, Keränen lost a duel Toni Kuusela, when Kuusela threw his season’s best 84.01 and Keränen 82.52. The last Munich race ticket for Helander and Lassi Etelätalo after that it went to Kuusela, but Keränen now had a place in the EC as a substitute.

– Not here, it’s a big shame that Oliver can’t throw. Big boots to fill, but I should be in pretty good shape too. In that sense, it’s a good feeling to get to the Games, but it’s a shame that it has to be done at Oliver’s expense, says Toni Keränen on the phone.

Keränen says that the mood is good because he has been training after the Kaleva Games with the aim of making it to the European Championships.

– The programs are made according to the readiness to throw in Munich. The training to prepare for the competition has been done as usual. Of course, it’s already been a long season, but I still feel like I have a kick in my body.

The thrower representing Liminga Niittomäää says that the preparations for the competition would probably have gone exactly the same, even if he had been selected directly for the European Championships. In that respect, the starting points do not worry.

Keränen believes that the result he threw in the World Championship qualification is enough for a place in the finals in the European Championship arena.

– The goal is to throw the spear as far as possible. You shouldn’t expect miracles of a place in the final there. Of course, we go there to give everything that comes out of the body.

The javelin qualifying will take place on August 19. on Friday from 11:00 a.m. The final is on the program on the last day of the competition, Sunday from 20:50. The entire athletics competition program can be found here.

Keränen says that he just received an email that he will travel to Munich with the rest of the group on Tuesday.

– It’s nice in the way that you have time to settle in there before qualifying.
