Tongue that stings: because of what?

Tongue that stings because of what

A tongue that itches or tingles can be a symptom of several more or less serious problems. Allergy, mycosis, food, Covid, other infections… Tour of the causes with our specialist.

It happens that the language presents burning, tingling sensationsusually accompanied by more or less intense pain. “The itchy tongue being a symptom that can intervene in various pathologies, it can be complicated to make a diagnosis”, explains Doctor Romain Troalen, general practitioner in the Paris region. “Above all, it is necessary check for associated symptoms : check if the tongue is whitish or depapillated (smooth), if there is a feeling of dryness, disappearance of taste, presence of localized lesion…” lists the doctor. There may also be “swelling of the tongue, glands in the neck, gingival damage (of the gums)”. Other associated symptoms such as fever, anorexia (loss of appetite), recurrent thirst, fatigue, digestive symptoms or even ENT disorders can help establish the diagnosis.

1. Glossitis

One of the causes of itchy tongue is glossitis: “It is an infectious and autoimmune disease. Symptoms are swelling, a change in the color of the tongueand often a tongue that becomes smooth (papillae disappear)”explains the doctor.

2. Burning Mouth Syndrome

Another cause may be burning mouth syndrome: these are people complaining of a burning or tingling sensation in the mouth, when no abnormalities can be seen in them. “It is a pathology of which we do not know the cause: some suspect that it is neurological, others psychological.“, says our expert.

3. An allergy

If the tingling occurs on contact with a particular substance (food, medicine, make-up, toothpaste, etc.), an allergy to it must then be suspected.

4. A yeast infection of the mouth

Oral mycosis is the consequence of an abnormal proliferation of fungi on the tongue, in the mouth, or even on the throat. Symptoms of oral thrush are white patches in the mouth, resembling “curdled milk”.

5. Certain fruits

Certain foods can cause tongue irritation in some people: mango, pineapple, kiwi… These cause burns, see canker sores. These are common, but go away on their own in one to two weeks without leaving scars.

6. Smoking

Tobacco can cause many mouth problems. It can be the cause of glossitis or burning mouth. Additionally, it leads to associated symptoms like a black tongue.


“The itchy tongue may be one of the symptoms of another pathology: for example, it may occur during gastroesophageal reflux (GERD)” indicates the doctor. It can also be a sign of a dental problem irritation of the tongue.

8. A deficiency

In the rarest cases, “it can be induced by a deficit of certain vitamins (B1, B2, B6, B12) or iron”.

9. Cancer (it’s rare)

A chronically itchy tongue can be a sign of possible cancer, “Even if it is very rare, you should look for it anyway just in case”believes the general practitioner.

The treatment obviously depends on the cause: we will treat allergies with drugs, oral mycosis with antifungals, and reflux with gastric dressings and Proton Pump Inhibitors (PPI). Mouthwashes may also be prescribed. Always with the agreement of your doctor, it is possible to treat small affections with alternative remedies. For oral mycosis for example, a daily mouthwash with baking soda can stop yeast infection.

When to consult?

According to Dr. Troalen, it is necessary to consult if the symptom of itchy tongue lasts several days, “or if there is the presence of an objectifiable abnormality, in addition to tingling: for example, a swollen tongue or lesions on the tongue”. In all cases, an abnormal-looking tongue should lead to consultation.

Thanks to Doctor Romain Troalen, general practitioner.
