Tomatis® method: autism, tinnitus, for whom?

Tomatis® method autism tinnitus for whom

Neurosensory stimulation through music, the Tomatis® method stimulates both the ear and the brain thanks to technology that processes music and voice in real time. It is, in most cases, used in addition to follow-up with a speech therapist, for example.

Definition: what is the Tomatis® Method?

The Tomatis® method is a neurosensory stimulation approach through listening and mainly the music developed by the French doctor and researcher Alfred Tomatis. A technology called TalksUp, designed to process music and voice, allows you to manage the electronic flip-flop and thus perform sound contrasts. These effects allow stimulate the brain. “From the auditory system, we arrive at working on the brain and the concept of plasticity. New neural pathways are thus trained to allow the brain to process certain information. This method can be complementary to the work of professionals such as speech therapists“, explains Valérie Gas, clinical psychologist and Tomatis® trainer.

For whom is it indicated?

The method is indicated in particular for the treatment of attention disorders, learningas well as for improving the self-confidence, the management of emotions and relationships with others.

What are the benefits for autism?

The Tomatis® method can allow, in the case of an autistic patient, to develop communication based on listening. “Autistic children often have a hypersensitivity of all senses. In fact, if the child is less hyperstimulated, he will then be better able to integrate the information. The child first adapts to the sound system, integrates it, fine-tunes it and then tries to predict the information to come.”

What are the benefits for tinnitus?

Alfred Tomatis believed that tinnitus was caused by the impossibility for the ear to protect itself from its own noises internal. “There are two types of tinnitus: those related to hearing problems that have arisen as a result of trauma sound for example, and those who have more emotional implications and cause significant stress. It is on these that we can intervene by reducing stress, amplifying factor of tinnitus“, underlines Valérie Gas. “The rocker then plays on the middle ear and can have an impact on tinnitus.

What are the benefits for dyslexia?

Since we reproduce what we listen to, the Tomatis® method plays on the decoding and analysis of sound, two recurring problems in dyslexia. It can also help resolve bodily and temporal integration issues (above, below, yesterday, tomorrow etc) and positioning in space.

Who to consult for sessions?

There are Tomatis® centers all over France. “Practitioners, including psychologists, speech therapists, teachers, singers etc… integrate the method as an additional tool and develop completely personalized programs.The assessment lasts about two hours and includes a point on the patient’s history and a test to find out what the distortions are in terms of listening. The practitioner then suggests sessions of 14 intensive sessions between 40 minutes and 1h20 per day, 5 times a week.

The session costs 750 euros

What is the price of a session?

The price of a session varies according to the centres. In the center of Paris, the session costs 750 eurosincluding sessions and materials. Two to three sessions are sometimes necessary. The patient has a suitable headset on which music programs are installed so that he can continue the work once the process is complete.

What are the risks of the Tomatis® Method?

This method is non-invasive and therefore has no risks. However, it is necessary to take into consideration that some objectives are unattainable and some issues do not fall within the scope of the method.

Thanks to Valérie Gas, clinical psychologist and Tomatis® trainer.
