The everyday hero Tomas wants to help families who are struggling financially. That is why he is now lending his caravan to a family who cannot afford to pay for a holiday themselves this summer. – If I don’t use the cart myself, someone more needy might as well use it, he says. These are tough times and something many people cut back on is the summer holidays. But Tomas Jakobsson from Glanshammar wants to change that. And a couple of days ago he posted a wanted post on Facebook. In the post, he wrote that he owns a caravan that he will not use himself this summer, which he therefore wants to lend one to a single mother or father with a family. – I know that there are many people who get hurt, especially young people, and that is the worst thing I know. And if I don’t use the cart myself, someone more needy might as well use it, says Tomas. The cooler stuffed with food The caravan will be loaned any Thursday to Sunday during June or July and at a campsite in Arboga. The caravan accommodates two adults and three children. In addition, Tomas will make sure that the fridge and freezer are stuffed with food and toys. – The campsite is strategically located so it is easy for me to drive away when needed. And they should be able to eat and have a good time too if they are on holiday. And the interest has been great, says Tomas. He has already received about forty requests from families who want to borrow the caravan. And it will be difficult to decide who will be chosen in the end, he says. – There I almost get to choose with my heart! When asked if he hadn’t used the caravan himself, he cheerfully replies: – I’ve been away at work for five years and slept more in the caravan than at home during these years, so I’m happy not to, to be honest! Watch the clip in the player above!
Tomas lends his caravan to needy families