Tolga Özuygur made a thought-controlled Nerf gun

Tolga Ozuygur made a thought controlled Nerf gun

YouTube one of the most remarkable names with the interesting projects he has done on Tolga Ozuygurthis time the thought-controlled Nerf gun prepared.

youtuber Besides being an educator, Tolga Ozuygur, He is by far one of the most creative names on YouTube. Özuygur, who changed his perspective on technology and removed the hardware and software infrastructure of technology from being scary or inaccessible, here you can see Demir Adam It is known for its armor and continues to new projects. You can watch the new project video above “Mind Controlled Nerf Gun” titled ”, Özuygur presents a Nerf gun that he can move and shoot with real thought, within the scope of the project, in which he describes each step in detail. Here is the summary of Özuygur project:

“In this video I’m trying to build a Nerf turret that is controlled by mind commands and my head position using an EEG device. I only had 2 days to complete the project, but it turned out better than I expected. A big thank you to my Instagram followers who chose this ridiculous idea. :)”

Tolga Ozuygur, He had prepared an infrastructure that could control the Iron Man armor that we mentioned before. If you’re curious, you can download that video directly. here You can watch. Özuygur also used in this video nerf Another video he took about his gun is here is located.


What brought Özuygur to our agenda before that was the microchip project, the video of which you can watch just above. “I Have Chip Under My Skin (RFID Implant)The video titled ” explains the process of subcutaneous microchip positioning, which we often see abroad. It was one of the best local examples.

He placed the microchip under his skin through a surgeon living in Izmir and took a very, very short operation period. here in the video (WARNING: Operation video may be disturbing for some) revealing Tolga Ozuygur, With the subcutaneous chip, it actually opens the door to many potential uses. The first use Özuygur demonstrates in the video above is to open his workshop door without touching it with a chip under the skin. In this respect Ozuygur says:

“In this video, we place a subcutaneous implant that I have wanted for a long time. This implant contains an RFID and NFC chip and will be in my hand for the rest of my life. As my first project, I am establishing a system that opens the door with a reader I put on the door of the workshop.”
