Tok beauty: long and curled eyelashes thanks to a simple everyday object

Tok beauty long and curled eyelashes thanks to a simple

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    Are you not a fan of eyelash curlers? Don’t panic, a tip as simple as it is accessible can allow you to obtain the same results in no time. And it only requires a product that you (necessarily) already have in your bathroom. A professional makeup artist recommends using a… cotton swab to curl your eyelashes like a real pro!

    Knowing how to use an eyelash curler is not given to everyone. While this may make some people smile, others, no matter how hard they try, are unable to use this beauty tool to perfectly lengthen and curl their eyelashes. As a result, they simply multiply the layers of mascara without achieving a natural result. A problem that will soon no longer be a problem, according to the new tip delivered by the professional makeup artist and American content creator Samantha Taormina. The latter reveals how a simple cotton swab can achieve the same results – if not better – than an eyelash curler. And based on the many comments posted under his TikTok video, it seems that it (really) works!

    Mascara and a cotton swab, that’s all!

    To obtain such a result, all you need is a mascara and a cotton swab. Once the products are gathered, all that’s left to do is get down to business. The first step is simply to apply your mascara, as you usually do. Then comes the new part of this beauty routine. The makeup artist advises taking a cotton swab, placing it at the base of the eyelashes, then rotating it gently and gently to “roll” the eyelashes and remove excess product, before pressing the end of the stick on the eyelashes. Please note, it is necessary to carry out this step just after applying the mascara, in other words before it is dry – therefore quickly.

    According to the makeup artist, the cotton swab would be gentler on the eyelashes than eyelash curlers generally made of metal. It must be admitted, the result is spectacular and above all very natural. Something that the content creator’s subscribers did not hesitate to point out. “It’s brilliant!”, “It’s genius”, “I absolutely have to try this”, “I’ll try it! I have small eyes and the eyelash curler always pinches my skin on both sides”, or “I’ll try it, I hate eyelash curlers so much,” are among the many comments posted under the video.

    This is not the first time that users of the Chinese social network have turned to such tips to achieve long and perfectly curled eyelashes. In 2022, a beauty gesture had already gone viral. It consisted of swapping your traditional mascara for vaseline, then using an eyelash curler to accentuate the result. If we end up mixing these two tips, namely using vaseline and then a cotton swab, it could be that mascara will no longer be of much use in the long term.
