Tok Beauty: how to get perfect curls with a… colander

Tok Beauty how to get perfect curls with a… colander

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    At the center of attention since the beginning of the year, the hair routine requires patience and dexterity, especially when it comes to taming your curls. Well, that was before the advent of TikTok. The Chinese social network has just lifted the veil on the ultimate trick for obtaining perfect curls using an object that everyone necessarily has in their… kitchen.

    From the kitchen to the bathroom, there is only one step. Not already taken by many users on social networks, always in search of the infallible – and original – trick to transform each beauty gesture into a viral phenomenon. We have seen it in recent months with the fork technique, which has become an essential tool for make-up, the use of peanut butter for a gourmet manicure, or even the use of fruit as make-up essentials. -up. No wonder then – or really very little – that tiktokers are now turning to utensils of all kinds to perfect their hair routine.

    A strainer as a diffuser

    We owe this new kind of beauty tip to user Liz Fox Roseberry. The young woman who says in her profile that she wants to “try and share creative things picked at random” is neither a make-up artist nor a professional hairdresser, but her latest find has nevertheless been full of views, more than 17 million on the Internet. ‘actual hour. The reason ? The original utensil chosen to define your curls and make them plumper than ever. A simple colander would make it possible to obtain more beautiful curls than with a diffuser – yet designed for this practice – as she herself points out in her video.

    The publication, which has gone viral, lasts only five seconds, making it difficult to understand a method that could be described as far-fetched. But faced with the success of the video, Liz Fox Roseberry had the excellent idea of ​​making a tutorial and thus allowing as many people as possible to master the strainer technique. “I just realized that my pasta strainer defines my waves better than my diffuser“, she simply captioned. To your colanders, followers of beauty, it will not take you more than a few minutes to achieve curls worthy of the red carpet of the Met Gala.

    A bowl, a hair care, a hair dryer, and a colander. This is what you need to discover the inner workings of this infallible technique. The latter begins with what the user calls the “plop method”, which consists of plunging her hair into a bowl of water, applying a treatment, then crumpling each strand, before applying a new treatment. Once this first step is over, all you have to do is wrap your mane in a T-shirt to remove the excess water, and place your hair in the colander to dry it. That’s it !

    Louder than the can of soda?

    Surprisingly, while one might expect a wave of ironic and mocking comments, we must recognize that they are on the contrary laudatory and grateful. Many users say they want to test this surprising technique, while others even say they have used it for several years. Incredible but true. Still, this is not the only technique unearthed on the Chinese social network to obtain perfect curls. Last September, users were seduced by another method, this time centered on a soda can, to create bouncy curls and waves. So many tips that can leave you wondering, but have the merit of being accessible and safe. At worst, there will always be the diffuser to offer you an equally appreciable rendering.
