Tok beauté: ‘I’m Cold’, the make-up that makes the cold glamorous

Tok beaute Im Cold the make up that makes the cold

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    Looking chilled…thanks to a simple makeover. This is the new obsession of TikTok users, who swear by the ‘I’m Cold’ make-up, a trend that would offer flawless skin. We tell you everything about this phenomenon which (already) panics the counters on the Chinese social network.

    Anna, Elsa, and eventually Olaf, better watch out. Their icy and magical beauty is no longer unique to them. TikTok has taken it over, and that’s an understatement. The make-up trend ‘I’m Cold’, which bears its name well for once, is driving the counters crazy on the Chinese social network as winter and the end-of-year celebrations approach. The principle is simple: reproduce an icy beauty treatment, as if you were in the heart of wild Lapland, with a subtly rosy nose and cheekbones, with that touch of glamor and magic that characterizes the emblematic Disney characters.

    Seasonal make-up

    To try to imagine what the make-up ‘I’m Cold’ could look like, just imagine yourself under – or in – the snow, in the middle of winter, wrapped up in a long coat or a down jacket, a hat or a earmuffs on the head. Do you visualize? The nose is red, as are the cheekbones, you no longer feel the extremities of your face, and your skin seems like… frozen. Well, that’s exactly the desired effect with this makeover that melts TikTok users. The proof, the hashtags #imcoldmakeup and #coldmakeup have already generated 60 million and 38 million views, respectively, on the social network. All in just a few days.

    This seasonal makeup trend focuses on revealing the natural complexion, with here and there details evoking a day spent on the slopes in freezing weather. All based on a beauty essential, the blush, which has definitely become essential in recent months on TikTok. A matte base and foundation are necessary to give the effect of a perfect complexion frozen by the cold, which must be completed with a good dose of blush, in cream if possible, to be applied to the cheekbones. and on the tip of the nose.

    For the final touch, the countless videos published on TikTok suggest favoring a gloss, pink or transparent, for the lips, and an eye shadow or a frosted effect eyeliner, or a subtly glittery one, to illuminate the look. To be applied on the eyelid, and in the inner corner of the eye, for an even brighter effect. It does not take more to hope to look like the iconic characters of “The Snow Queen”. Note that this trend is none other than the winter counterpart of ‘douyin blush’, which only a few months ago consisted of imitating the effect of a sunburn. Proof that there are indeed still seasons (my good lady).
