Togg sets delivery date for T10X

Togg sets delivery date for T10X

Togg has set the delivery date for the electric SUV T10X. An official statement on this a while ago passed.

The statement from Togg this evening was as follows: “Our deliveries continue as promised. Our users, who have won the right to order with the lottery, will start meeting with their T10X on Sunday, April 30th. Stay tuned.” The sharing from Togg’s CEO on this subject was as follows:Our Togg family continues to grow and meet T10X users. on April 30Other statements were made on this subject today. According to the news in Bloomberg HT Togg CEO Gürcan Karakaş stated that they unloaded the first mass production vehicles from the bands at the end of March, “Our promise on user deliveries was that it would start in April. As of the end of April, we will start user deliveries in the coming days.” he said. Karakaş stated that more deliveries will be made in May and June.We aim to deliver over a thousand vehicles in May.” said. This is often the case these days Responding to the allegations that Togg’s first delivered vehicles were produced in Italy, KarakaşWe broadcast the construction process live. At least once a month, we showed both internal and external developments. On the other hand, this is the tech production center, we can’t live stream it 24 hours a day. The number of our employees has exceeded 2,000. Togg did not buy cars from abroad” he said. Gurcan Karakas, CEO of Toggin addition to all “We produced many vehicles and sent them for tests until the 23rd of March. We have produced over 300 vehicles. The number of vehicles we produce in mass production standards is over 200. We delivered 40 of them. We will have delivered 28 thousand vehicles by the end of the year.“He also made the statement.


Explaining that they want to produce Togg’s next model by the end of 2024, Karakaş said, “The end of 2024, the beginning of 2025 will also be a period when we will expand abroad. We have service at 22 points in 7 regions. By the end of the year, we will have approximately 650 charging stations, once every 25 kilometers.” he said. Black eyebrows, By signaling that there may be a change in the price of the Togg T10X, “We can reflect the fluctuations in the pricing at the point where we cannot prevent them” he said.
