Togg announces new collaboration; will have a significant impact on brand value

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The agreement, announced by Togg as part of the STARTUP AUTOBAHN Expo 2022 event, is a key role especially for entrepreneurs.

Turkey’s domestic automobile startup Togg will not be just a car brand in terms of the route of its team. While emphasizing that there is a serious trend on the technology side, it continues to be supported with concrete steps in this process. Shown as a global technology brand, Togg carries the Mobility Acceleration Program, which it has implemented together with Informatics Valley, to the international arena. Collaborating with Plug and Play, an innovation platform with 400 corporate partners in 4 continents, 20 countries and 39 offices in the heart of Silicon Valley, the brand will guide start-ups with its international Mobility Acceleration Program.


Reflections of Togg and Plug and Play partnership

Within the scope of the program, which became clear with the signing of the signatures, it is aimed to provide support to global entrepreneurs in every subject they need such as mentoring, financial consultancy and project support. Togg will also be a member of STARTUP AUTOBAHN, an open innovation platform supported by Plug and Play, and will take an active role in the field of mobility with global players. Speaking about the cooperation announced at the STARTUP AUTOBAHN Expo 2022 event held in Stuttgart, Germany, Togg CEO M. Gürcan Karakaş stated that start-ups are a very important part of new technology solutions in the mobility ecosystem.

In the continuation of Karakaş’s statement; “Companies relied on their own R&D units 5-10 years ago, but with start-ups, technological innovation has reached an unprecedented speed. Start-ups that take bold steps with their agile business models take fast action and transform industries. Start-ups also play a critical role in shaping the mobility ecosystem. While the industry creates a window of opportunity for new players to emerge, collaborations with new players allow us to create sustainable value.

The ‘Mobility Acceleration Program’, which we will implement with Plug and Play, is an important step we have taken to support start-ups, which are a very important element of the ecosystem. We are Europe’s truly rare mobility ecosystem application platform. In June, we took part in Vivatech, Europe’s largest technology and start-up event, and conveyed our start-up approach. We had the opportunity to take the pulse of start-ups with Mobility Park by Togg, which is at the center of the event. As a company preparing for global competition, we will continue to be involved in all kinds of studies that will improve the mobility ecosystem not only in our country but also in the international arena.” made statements.
